The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

francúzština -> angličtina mechanika / strojárenstvo Translation Glossary

francúzština term angličtina translation
charbon le plus mauvais lowest grade coal
chargeuse articulée articulated wheeled loader
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
chargeuse à bras pivotant swing wheeled loader
Entered by: Radu DANAILA
chariot (élévateur) forklift (truck)
Charnières avec passage de joint Sealed hinge
chaudière à accumulation System boiler
chaudières utilisées en post-combustion post-combustion boilers
chauffage sur vanne heating zone with valve
chaussée cannon pinion
châssis frame
chef de manœuvre banksman [also: dogman (esp. AU/NZ)]
chef de production production manager
Entered by: Karen Riggio
Cheminée Flue
chemise rapportée (Mech.) cylinder liner
chenille de traction Drive Belt (or drive chain)
chicane baffle
chicane de triage sorter baffling
Entered by: Neal Allen
chicane flottante floating labyrinth seal
chute de v�hicule falling vehicle detectors
Entered by: Huw Watkins
cintrage de renvoi de mouvement counter gear bending?
Entered by: Alain Mouchel
Citerne basculante tipping tanker
Citerne plate non-tipping tanker
clapet flap valve
Clapet A.R OX entrée directe Check-Valve for Oxygen - Straight Inlet
clapet anti-souffle explosion cut-off valve
clapet de pied crépiné foot valve (with screen)
clapet de remplissage Filler valve
clapet rapide fast check valve
Entered by: Laura Robertson
Clé 6 pans femelle de 7 7 mm hex (socket) wrench [AE] / spanner [BE](, female)
clé clapet (pour tournevis dynamométrique) adjustment spanner
cle a griffes a chaine grande large chain pipe wrench
Cle marche commande "On/Control" key
cliché de référence reference photograph / image
clips en fil wire clips or just clips
Cliquet Pawl
cloche (de treuil) (winch) drum
cloche de palier floor button/sounder
cloche de traction pull sleeve, pull socket, pull barrel
Entered by: Carlos Segura
Entered by: Kimberly De Haan
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