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chorvátčina -> angličtina medicína (všeobecne) Translation Glossary

chorvátčina term angličtina translation
edema okrajina edema of the limbs/extremities
Entered by: A.Đapo
endotrahealni tubus endotracheal tube
Entered by: I H
eozinofili eosinophils
Entered by: A.Đapo
ES electric stimulation
etiologije atrofija sluznice nosa (Any) etiologies of atrophies of nasal mucous membrane
eupnoična, hipotrofična, euhidrirana, afebrilna (pacijentica) eupnoeic, hypotrophic, euhydrated, afebrile (patient)
eutermna euthermic
evocirana otoakusticka emisija evoked otoacoustic emission
Entered by: I H
FC follicular cyst
FERR Ferritin
FFK range of motion (ROM)
fizijatar physiatrist
fiziološke razine physiological levels
galaktoformni kanalići galactophorous ducts (lactiferous ducts)
glavarina head tax
Entered by: A.Đapo
GMK upper medial quadrant
GMS Gross muscular strength
govori u prilog indicate
Entered by: Dinap
gracilna a. tibialis gracile tibial artery
grubi plućni crtež increased/prominent pulmonary vascular markings
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
habitualna i psihogena polidipsija habitual and psychogenic polydipsia
Hemosiderinski depozit hemosiderin deposition/deposit
Hilovaskularni crtež naglašenijeg raspleta prominent hilar vascular markings
Entered by: Gordana Podvezanec
Htc, Hct hematocrit, haematocrit (Ht, HCT)
human affairs ljudski odnosi/ljudske aktivnosti
Hypoacusis perceptiva bil. bilateral sensorineural hearing loss/hypoacusis
Entered by: liz askew
ia prostor intra articular space
IFS interferenial stimulation
IK Medical review board
Entered by: Dinap
IND vj za povecanje obima pokreta Excersize therapy is indicated to overcome limitation in movement-to acheive full range of movement
indiciran indicated
INSUFFICIENTIA CARDIS PROPTER FIBROSIS MYOCARDII (1.25) [chronic] heart failure due to myocardial fibrosis
interlobij fissure
intratentorijalni presjeci intratentorial cross-sections
iox iox
iscrpiti to exhaust
izbočuje se bulging, protruding
Entered by: sandra zovko
izraženoj manifested
Entered by: sandra zovko
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