The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

katalánčina -> angličtina turizmus & cestovanie Translation Glossary

katalánčina term angličtina translation
"Xeroi" As is. A man´s name. A legend of the island of Menorca, Spain.
callissots alleys/passages/lanes/small streets
Entered by: liz askew
cap de partit judicial capital of the judicial district
coca de recapta flatbread with roasted vegetables and...
destralers sapper, trencher
Entered by: Isabel Peralta
Districte Vè Fifth District
EMD decentralised municipal entity
Generalitat Bé Cultural d’Interès Nacional declared a Cultural Asset of National Interest by the Autonomous Government of Catalonia
joc de pistes treasure hunt
OIT Tourist Information Offices
POIs dels itineraris i dels centres d’interès POIs POI files) for the routes and points/sites of interest
quadríptic four-panel leaflet
Entered by: Joaquim Siles-Borràs
recollit quiet/peaceful
regidoria stage management
Entered by: Joaquim Siles-Borràs
són cultura catalana Catalan culture is...
superior mitjana above [the] average
títol de monitor en lleure recreational leader certificate/diploma
topoguia visual visual topographic guide
viatges tancats pre-defined package
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