Delivered a perfectly done work and showed an outstading attitude.
Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Software localization, Voiceover (dubbing), Training
angličtina -> dánčina, dánčina -> angličtina, nórčina -> dánčina, and 5 more.
Specializes in
reklama / styk s verejnosou, športy / fitnes / oddych, sociálna veda, sociológia, etika atï., and 8 more.
5.00 (5 reviews)
Thanks for excellent translations and great responsiveness to additional requests. Will gladly collaborate on future projects.
Thomas T. Frost
Jun 21, 2023
I have edited Lars's translations for a US high-end smart speaker manufacturer since 2019. It has been encouraging to observe his willingness and ability to deliver quality and continually evolve.