Často kladené otázky týkajúce sa systému zákaziek

Kliknutím sem sa zobrazia Často kladené otázky týkajúce sa vyvesovania zákaziek

Kontaktovanie klientov / Kontaktovanie prekladate¾ov & tlmoèníkov


  • 1 - Posting jobs at ProZ.com

  • 1.1 - Kto môže zadáva zákazky cez ProZ.com?

    Cez ProZ.com môže zadáva zákazky ¾ubovo¾ná firma alebo súkromná osoba. Ak sa používa metóda vyvesenia zákazky, vyžadujú sa urèité kontaktné informácie: meno, e-mail, telefón, krajina atï. Pri okamžitých zákazkách InstantJobs je nutné vykonanie platby kreditnou kartou vopred.

  • 1.2 - What kind of jobs can be posted at ProZ.com?

    Translation, interpretation, localization and other jobs requiring the services of multilingual professionals or companies may be posted.

  • 1.3 - Can I use the job posting form to advertise my services?

    No. There is no possibility that you will find a client using this form. Instead, you will only inconvenience fellow service providers, who expect only legitimate job opportunities to come via this form. Your right to enter quotes on jobs will also be revoked.

  • 1.4 - What type of jobs are not allowed at ProZ.com?

    Please refrain from posting job notices that do not specifically require the services of multilingual professionals. Also, job postings may not contain content of an adult nature.

  • 1.5 - What are the fees I will have to pay?

    There are no fees for posting jobs at ProZ.com. There are also no commissions. This is possible because ProZ.com charges a yearly subscription fee to the service providers.

  • 1.6 - How are prices and deadlines set for jobs?

    The ProZ.com job form will only help you to meet service providers. Project details—work content, payment, deadline, etc.—must be agreed upon between you and the service provider directly.

  • 1.7 - Where do I enter rates information?

    First enter details related to the job, providing as much detail as possible. If among those who meet the criteria there are ProZ.com members who prefer to take your budget range into consideration when deciding whether or not to quote, you will be given an opportunity to provide a budget range.

  • 1.8 - I posted a job and no opportunity was provided for me to enter a budget range. Why?

    This means that none of the professionals who meet your job criteria has a habit of considering client budgets before quoting. Any quotes you receive will have been based on the information you supplied in the job posting.

  • 1.9 - Why was the option to enter rates information from the start removed?

    To reflect the fact that the individual translator is in the best position to determine what he or she needs to charge on a given job. For more information, see: About > Job posting changes.

  • 1.10 - What if no one quotes within my budget range?

    ProZ.com is home to the world's largest network of professional translators. If none is willing to work within your budget, you may want to consider either increasing your budget or seeking alternatives. For more information, see: Translation: Determining what service you need and what it will cost.

  • 1.11 - When I am given an opportunity to indicate a budget range, how should I go about estimating?

    If you have no experience in pricing translation, you might want to pass on entering a budget range. If you do decide to enter a range, consider consulting the guide: Translation: Determining what service you need and what it will cost. That document links to data on the rates charged by translators registered with ProZ.com.

  • 1.12 - Should I enter a budget range that is a bit lower than what I can actually afford to pay?

    That is up to you, but entering your real maximum helps ensure that the job is visible (and appealing to) a larger group of professionals.

  • 1.13 - I offer a service for translators seeking jobs. Can I post?

    No. The job posting form is for proposing business arrangements of one type: job poster paying posting recipient to perform services. Web portals, those selling databases of translators, etc., or anyone suggested an arrangement whereby the recipient of a posting would be paying the poster, will be regarded as an illicit advertiser. The posting will be removed, associated memberships will be revoked, and you will be banned from future postings.

  • 1.14 - For what reasons can a job poster be banned from ProZ.com?

    Please refer to the ProZ.com termination policy.

  • 1.15 - I've posted a job but it is not visible yet.

    If you are a basic user of the site, your job posts will require vetting. This is usually done within 12 hours of the entry being posted. You may also want to check to make sure you have provided complete and correct contact details. If your job hasn't appeared after a 24-hour period, please submit a support request.

  • 1.16 - Why do my job postings require staff approval?

    Job postings will require staff review in the following cases:

  • When posted by basic site users (users without a membership subscription).*
  • When there is a job posting-related administrative action in the poster's profile. Check your administrative record.

    In case of doubt, submit a support request.

    * Users who have posted two or more jobs within the last three months without issues and are affiliated with a Blue Board with a >3 average rating are automatically added to a job posting whitelist.

  • 1.17 - Can I request to be added to the job posting whitelist?

    Yes. To submit a request to be added to the job posting whitelist, you must meet the following conditions:

  • You have a registered account.
  • You have posted at least 3 jobs (or sent at least 3 job-related messages) without issues. Check your past job postings.
  • Your associated Blue Board record has no active non-payment issues. Check your Blue Board record.

    If your account meets the condition above, you will see the option to request to be added to the job posting whitelist on your business page.

    You will also be given the option to submit a whitelisting request after you post a job (on the confirmation step) and on the job posted confirmation email sent to your email address.

    Site staff will review your request and you will be notified of the decision.

  • 1.18 - What are the keys to getting a good response to my posting? What else should I bear in mind?

    When posting a job, it is important to be as descriptive as possible with regard to the nature of the work, as well as your requirements for service providers.

    In addition, it is very important that you supply complete information about yourself and/or your company. The best service providers are in high demand, and will generally not pursue jobs with questionable clients. Complete contact details, and perhaps a brief history of your company, may help you to kick off mutually beneficial relationships with top professionals.

    Jobs posted should respect the principle of equal opportunity.

    Please do not post jobs on behalf of third parties.

    Please note that the contact details marked as mandatory on the Job Posting Form must be completed in each case - job postings with incomplete details will be removed by ProZ.com staff.

    Where possible, jobs involving multiple language combinations should be aggregated using the corresponding function available on the Job Posting Form.

  • 1.19 - How will service providers contact me?

    You may indicate your preferred method of contact (email, phone, online application form, etc.) Service providers are encouraged to respect your preferred method of contact; some outsourcers consider it a bad omen when a service provider ignores contact preferences, and will not work with those service providers.

  • 1.20 - How quickly will I hear from translators (or interpreters)?

    When a job is posted and approved by site staff, email notification is sent to each professional whose profile matches the requirements of your job. Depending on how unique or general your job requirements are, you may expect to begin hearing from service providers within minutes.

    If your job is in a common language pair —European languages, Arabic, Chinese, etc.— you are encouraged to be very specific in your demands related to subject area expertise, etc. This will help to ensure you get the most suitable quotes from a manageable number of service providers.

  • 1.21 - Will service providers be quoting against each other?

    No, those who contact you will not have seen quotes from others. Service providers are encouraged to offer rates and turnaround times that allow them to offer their best work. Use your judgement in deciding whether a quote may be unreasonably low (thereby making it difficult to deliver careful work), or unreasonably high.

  • 1.22 - How can I be sure a given translator is reliable?

    Consider the professionals' training and degrees, years in the field, credentials earned, membership in professional associations, references, etc. Professional experience outside of translation may also be relevant. You may want to discuss the content of your job with the translator in order to assess their understanding of the material. It is not unusual for a client to ask for a short excerpt from a job—100 words or so should be enough to get an idea—before assigning work to a new translator. (Note that some translators include samples of their work in their profile 'portfolios'. In addition, looking at a translators' KudoZ history is sometimes useful in understanding a translators' style or approach to terminology.) Lastly, you may want to consider working with a ProZ.com Certified PRO.

  • 1.23 - If I post a job and find a great translator, can I work with him/her directly next time?

    Absolutely. Once you have established a relationship with a ProZ.com translator or interpreter, you may find it is in your best interest to continue working only with that person. Nurturing a long-term service arrangement will bring benefits over time, as the service provider will be able to deliver high quality work in a shorter period of time, as he or she becomes increasingly familiar with terminology and information specific to you or your company.

  • 1.24 - I don't have a specific job —but I would like to increase my database of translators.

    You may post once a month, with a maximum of five job postings each time. Repeatedly posting calls for translators, without actual jobs, is regarded as intrusive by many professional service providers. For this reason, your potential posting may not be made visible on the ProZ.com homepage.

    When posting a call for CVs for potential future projects, it is very important that you post complete information about your company and the types of jobs you tend to obtain. Your posting may be removed if such information is not provided.

  • 1.25 - I don't want to announce my job—its confidential. What can I do?

    If your job is confidential, do not use the job posting form. Consider using the ProZ.com directory to find service providers who meet your requirements. When you find a suitable service provider in the directory, you can contact him or her directly.

  • 1.26 - What can I do if I need to edit the information on my job posting?

    Before the job posting has been vetted, there is an edit job button at the top of the job posting which will allow you to edit your listing. However, once your job has been vetted and is visible by the public, you will not be allowed to edit your job posting. But, if you need to add anything to your job posting, you may still add an addendum to it instead.

  • 1.27 - Ako môžem uzatvori mnou vyvesenú zákazku?

    Ako zadávate¾ môžete uzatvára vyvesenú zákazku po jednej alebo viacerých jazykových kombináciách, resp. uzatvori vyvesenú zákazku úplne.

    1. Použite tlaèidlo „Zobrazi ponuky“ pri prezeraní vyvesenej zákazky, resp. použite odkaz, ktorý sa nachádza v e-mailovom upovedomení, ktorý ste dostali po vyvesení zákazky
    2. Pod každou jazykovou kombináciou sa nachádza odkaz „Kliknutím uzatvori“. Kliknutie na tento odkaz uzatvorí zákazku pred ïalšími ponukami v uvedenej jazykovej kombinácii (môže sa opätovne otvori neskôr pomocou toho istého postupu.)
    3. Keï sú uzatvorené všetky jazykové kombinácie, je uzatvorená celá zákazka.

  • 1.28 - What does it mean for a job to be funded by a non-profit group?

    A non-profit group is an organization which exists for educational or charitable reasons, and from which its shareholders or trustees do not benefit financially. Some translators are willing to reduce their rates when working for a non-profit group they deem worthwhile. Jobs posted on behalf of non-profit organizations should include the name of the group, and a publicly visible link to a website with further information about the organization. Jobs marked as non-profit that do not meet these requirements will be removed by site staff.

    Government organizations and similar entities are not covered by this definition; jobs funded by such entities should not be posted as 'non-profit'.

  • 1.29 - What relation is there between job posting and the Blue Board?

    Job posters may be added to the Blue Board.

  • 1.30 - Èo je to história vyvesených zákaziek (Predchádzajúce vyvesené zákazky)?

    Stránka histórie vyvesených zákaziek uvádza posledných 100 zákaziek vyvesených zadávate¾om (buï na základe profilu zadávate¾a alebo e-mailovej adresy). Potenciálni kandidáti môžu vidie posledné zákazky vyvesené zadávate¾om prostredníctvom odkazu „Predchádzajúce vyvesené zákazky“ v okne „O zadávate¾ovi“ pri zobrazení zákazky. Zadávatelia môžu vidie svoje vlastné vyvesené zákazky prostredníctvom toho istého odkazu pri zobrazení zákazky, ktorú vyvesili: História vyvesených zákaziek.

    História vyvesených zákaziek je funkcia urèená iba pre èlenov. Tu je príklad:

  • 1.31 - I need to edit my name in a posted job. How can I do this?

    To edit a job which was not vetted visit a job page and click on Edit job. In edit mode, check if your contact details are full and correct as requested in the job posting rule #9. Note that you can make your real name invisible to potential candidates just by entering the title of the position you occupy in your company. To do so, un-check the Show publicly option next to the real name field in the job posting form and select I represent a company. A new field will show up as Contact person's job title .

    Make sure you report your company name in the Company name field.

  • 1.32 - Once I choose "Accept quote" does this mean I am awarding the job to this one vendor?

    Not at all. You can select as many quotes as you need to implement the project. It is possible to select all necessary quotes at once and save changes or select quotes and save changes on a step by step basis. Once you select a service provider’s quote and save changes you will see a note on a selected quote like This quote was accepted. Upon quote acceptance a notification will be sent to a service provider. After accepting quotes you might wish to discuss project details with service providers.

    Note: A job will not be closed once you select a quote(s). It can be closed by you manually (if you want so) or it will be closed automatically due to expiration of its quoting deadline time.

  • 1.33 - Where can I see quotes received?

    To see a list of jobs quotes you have received, go to My posted jobs from the Jobs & directories tab, find a job you are looking for and click on [View quotes] on your right. A list of all quotes will be opened.

  • Main - Top

  • 2 - Finding jobs at ProZ.com

    Looking for new clients?

    ProZ.com members are meeting them.

  • 2.1 - Ako sa realizuje oslovenie zákazkou?

    Na ProZ.com jestvujú tri spôsoby oslovenia zákazkou:
    (1) Vyvesenie zákazky / poslanie ponuky k zákazke
    (2) Priamy kontakt (zadávate¾ kontaktuje jedného profesionála
    (3) Okamžité zákazky InstantJobs: zadávate¾ vyvesuje text, vopred kvalifikovaní profesionáli Proz.com sú pozvaní automaticky

    Metóda (1) je jediná vidite¾ná metóda priraïovania zákaziek. Zákazkami sa pri ostatných spôsoboch oslovuje súkromne. Metóda (2) zastupuje približne polovicu všetkých oslovení zákazkou.

  • 2.2 - Kto môže dostáva zákazky.

    Zákazky môže dostáva ¾ubovo¾ný užívate¾ zaregistrovaný na ProZ.com. Avšak vyvesovatelia zákaziek majú možnos obmedzi zákazku na tých, ktorí spåòajú urèité kritériá. Pozrite tieto Èasto kladené otázky, kde získate ïalšie informácie o obmedzených zákazkách.

  • 2.3 - How do I get jobs at ProZ.com?

    The main channel to get jobs in ProZ.com are direct searches in the directory. The best strategies to get jobs are:

    a) A good profile.

    b) Membership, as members are ranked ahead of non-members in the directory.

    c) KudoZ PRO points in your language pairs and fields of expertise, as this is how search results are ranked among the first group (members) and the second group (non-members).

    d) Specialization. Make sure to have on top your main language pair and your main field of expertise, get KudoZ in this combination, show that specialization in each area of your profile.

    For more information on ProZ.com directory, see this FAQ section.

  • 2.4 - Why don't I see payment information in job postings anymore?

    Certain changes were recently made to the job posting system to reflect the fact that the translator is in the best position to determine what rate he or she needs to charge on a given job. Budget / pricing information is only shown to logged in users that meet the requirements of the job. You may choose if you would like to show or hide budget / pricing information for jobs where you meet the requirements. For more information, see: About > Job posting changes.

  • 2.5 - I am an experienced translator, but I am new to freelancing. How do I go about determining what I need to charge on a given job?

    For guidance on this topic, see the article Determining your rates and fees as a translator.

  • 2.6 - I've indicated a preference to see client budgeting information before deciding whether to quote, and as as a result I sometimes see that information. Do I have to quote within the client's budget range?

    No. The budget range provided by the client is strictly for use in determining whether or not you will take the time to quote. When quoting, you should never offer to do a job for less than the amount you need to deliver work at the quality level that is required, irrespective of the budget range specified.

  • 2.7 - Is it safe to consider the budget ranges entered by clients as indicative of the going rates in the market?

    No. Clients budget ranges often fall below the going rates.

  • 2.8 - What if after I quote the client comes back and offers me less than the rates I have determined I need to charge?

    Turn it down. Only you can know what you need to charge to deliver work at the quality required on an ongoing basis. Ultimately, it is your responsibility -- to colleagues and clients -- not to charge less than that amount.

  • 2.9 - Are the translators who give the lowest quotes always the ones selected?

    No. Experienced clients know that it is not possible to deliver quality consistently when rates are below a certain level. Therefore, the translators who are successful in connecting with new clients via ProZ.com tend to be those who quote within the normal range for professionals.

  • 2.10 - I understand all of this in principle, but I am not sure I can do this on my own.

    You're not alone! Reach out to other ProZ.com members via the site or at a local powwow. You are sure to find loads of support.

  • 2.11 - Ako môžem predloži ponuku?

    Po prvé, treba si uvedomi, že nie všetky vyvesené zákazky akceptujú ponuky. Po druhé, keï ste sa rozhodli, že urèitá konkrétna vyvesená zákazka, o ktorú sa zaujímate, prijíma ponuky, aby ste mohli zaèa daný proces, musíte kliknú na tlaèidlo „Odosla ponuku“ vo vrchnej èasti alebo v spodnej èasti vyvesenej zákazky, aby ste mohli zada svoju navrhovanú sadzbu. Keï ste vo „Formulári ponuky“, môžete odosla sadzbu, za ktorú ste ochotní pracova. Pamätajte, že ak nemáte plné/èiastoèné (zákazkové) èlenstvo, budete musie buï použi body browniz alebo peòaženku. Cena za zadanie ponuky je 1 USD alebo 100 bodov browniz.

    Keï nakoniec odošlete svoju ponuku zadávate¾ovi, tento má možnos zvoli si „Nijaký úkon“, „Nie, ïakujem“ alebo „Prija“.

    Ak si chcete pozrie minulé ponuky, kliknite prosím na „Moje ponuky“ na lište s menu Zákazky na domovskej stránke.

  • 2.12 - Can I edit a job quote after I submitted it?

    No. Job quotes cannot be edited once they have been submitted. However, you may add a note to your quote and enter any other relevant information.

  • 2.13 - História ponúk k zákazkám: kto ju môže vidie?

    Svoju vlastnú históriu ponúk k zákazkám môžu vidie iba èlenovia ProZ.com. Uvedená informácie nie je k dispozícii iným užívate¾om alebo zadávate¾om ProZ.com.

  • 2.14 - Ako môžem kontrolova, èo je pridané na mojom formulári pre ponuku.

    Ak vstúpite do „upravi osobné údaje“, máte možnos kontrolova informácie, ktoré budú zadané na formulári pre ponuku, èo sa týka názvu (mena), adresy, telefónneho/faxového císla atï.

  • 2.15 - Can I withdraw a quote I submitted for a classic job?

    Yes. You can remove a quote submitted for any classic job by clicking on Delete next to the quote you would like to withdraw in the My quotes page.

  • 2.16 - Aké sú poplatky ProZ.com spojené so zákazkami?

    Priame zákazky: Zadávanie je úplne bezplatné. Tak isto je to aj s vedením profilu na úèely získavania priamych zákaziek.

    Vyvesované zákazky. Vyvesenie zákazky je bezplatné. Odpoveï a poslanie ponuky sú bezplatné a neobmedzené pre všetkých èlenov ProZ.com. Neplatiacim užívate¾om portálu sa úètuje 1 USD (alebo alternatívne 100 bodov browniz) za každú poslanú ponuku.

    Pri systéme okamžitých zákaziek InstantJobs si ProZ.com úètuje províziu z celkového objemu zákazky. Platba zobrazená pri systéme okamžitých zákaziek InstantJobs je platba dostupná pre poskytovate¾a služieb. Provízia je už odrátaná.

  • 2.17 - Èo je to „potenciálna zákazka“?

    „Potenciálna“ zákazka je zákazka vyvesená bez urèeného rozsahu, resp. ïalších podrobností. Ide najmä o výzvy na zaslanie životopisu alebo podobné všeobecné výzvy na nadviazanie obchodného vzahu.

  • 2.18 - Kto stanovuje podmienky platby a dodávky každej zákazky?

    Všetky podmienky každej zákazky sa stanovujú priamym jednaním medzi klientmi a poskytovate¾mi služieb. Personál ProZ.com nehrá nijakú úlohu pri stanovovaní podmienok alebo overovaní, èi sú splnené.

  • 2.19 - Does ProZ.com verify information in posted jobs and job descriptions against poster websites, online information or other sources?

    Basic information is verified by site staff (contact information, for example) to ensure that job posts are within site rules. ProZ.com does not ascertain the veracity of outsourcer web site descriptions or other information; each translator interested in working with a given outsourcer is expected to investigate potential clients to the fullest extent possible before deciding whether or not to work for them.

  • 2.20 - Does ProZ.com check job postings to filter-off jobs posted by potential scammers?

    The job posting system was designed to enable outsourcers to post their job offers to the ProZ.com community. While any business or individual can outsource via ProZ.com, jobs posted by basic site users (non-logged-in users and non-members) are checked by site staff before being made visible.

    In many cases the information included in a posted job is enough to identify a scamming operation, or a job posted by an oursourcer banned from ProZ.com,and the job posts are quietly deleted. In other cases the posted information will not be enough to to identify a scammer and the job is approved, and at this point the translators' risk management procedures should begin.

    Risk management should be a set of processes including the positive identification of the "client" (contact data verifiable and verified) and the verification in risk management resources such as the Blue Board, among other steps.

    If you would like to learn more about how to manage risks, I invite you all to attend an upcoming free webinar offered by site staff on "Risk management for freelance translators and interpreters".

    ProZ.com members can also subscribe to translators scam alert reports.

  • 2.21 - Aké spôsoby platby môžem akceptova od zadávate¾ov?

    Predovšetkým, keï sa zadávate¾ a prekladate¾ kontaktujú prostredníctvom ProZ.com a dohodnú sa na obchode, všetky podrobnosti sa odsúhlasia medzi oboma stranami, prièom ProZ.com v tom nemá nijakú úèas. Je na vás, aby ste sa dojednali so svojím obchodným partnerom na spôsobe a podmienkach platby.

    To znamená, že jestvuje nieko¾ko bežných metód používaných pre platby. Bankový prevod je jedným spôsobom uskutoènenia platby, šeky predstavujú ïalší. PayPal a Moneybookers online služby, ktoré umožòujú prevod hotovosti. K dispozícii sú aj služby Western Union. Každý z týchto spôsobov platby má výhody aj nevýhody, prièom jeden môže by vhodný pre malý projekt a ïalší pre ve¾ký projekt. Ïalším faktorom je aj to, kde žijete.

    O tejto téme sa èasto diskutovalo na fórach ProZ.com, na ktorých sa vo¾ne vyh¾adáva. Navrhujeme vám, aby ste sa pozreli do fóra Finanèné záležitosti.

  • 2.22 - Mám otázku ku konkrétnej vyvesenej zákazke. Koho by som mal kontaktova?

    Mali by ste priamo kontaktova vyvesovate¾a danej konkrétnej zákazky. ProZ.com nemá nijaké ïalšie informácie o zákazkách, než sú tie, ktoré sa rozhodne zada vyvesovate¾ zákazky. Je na vyvesovate¾ovi zákazky, aby zadal správne kontaktné informácie. ProZ.com nemôže reagova na správy o vyvesených zákazkách s nesprávnymi odkazmi alebo nedostatkom kontaktných informácií, pretože máme iba to¾ko informácií, ko¾ko si želá zada vyvesovate¾ zákazky.

  • 2.23 - Aké sú alternatívne spôsoby platby za poslanie ponuky k zákazke?

    Odpovedanie na vyvesené zákazky je systém založený na platbe za poslanie ponuky. Jestvuje mnoho spôsobov, ktorými môžete plati:

    • Môžete si zvoli body browniz (100 bodov na zákazku). Všetci noví užívatelia ProZ.com dostávajú pri registrácii 300 bodov browniz. O možnostiach získania ïalších bodov browniz pozrite Ako môže získa body browniz?
    • Môžete si uloži peniaze do svojej ProZ.com peòaženky, prièom každé odoslanie ponuky bude zaúètované jej. Cena je 1 USD za jednu ponuku.
    • Èlenovia ProZ.com (120,00 USD roène) môžu posiela svoje ponuky k neobmedzenému poètu zákaziek.

  • 2.24 - Ak podám ponuku na zákazku a nedostanem ju, budem informovaný? V akom èasovom intervale?

    Zadávate¾ posúdi všetky ponuky, ktoré dostane. Môže to trva nieko¾ko dní, kým tak urobí. Závisí to od koneèného termínu odovzdania projektu. Zadávate¾ je požiadaný o odoslanie poznámky všetkým, ktorí odoslali ponuku na danú zákazku, v ktorej sa uvádza „Zatia¾ nijaký úkon“, „Nie, ïakujem“ alebo „Prija“. Pamätajte na to, že zadávate¾ nie je povinný toto urobi a ak sa rozhodne, že tak neurobí, potom nedostanete nijaké oznámenie o tom, èi ste boli vybraní alebo nie.

  • 2.25 - Where can I see an outsourcer's job posting history?

    ProZ.com members can see a list of jobs posted by an outsourcer by clicking on Past job postings at the bottom of the Job posted by box in job postings or else by clicking on More info » at the bottom of the Past job postings section of the outsourcer's Blue Board record.

  • 2.26 - Mal by som používa formulár ponuky na vyjadrenie svojho záujmu o zákazku alebo by som mal napísa klientovi priamo?

    Mali by ste sa riadi usmerneniami klienta. Keï uvedené nie je dané, použite formulár pre ponuku.

    Nikdy by ste nemali kontaktova klienta priamo, ani mu telefonova, ak si klient želá, aby ste to nerobili. Takéto poèínanie vrhá negatívne svetlo na vás, na komunitu ProZ.com a výsledkom je obažovanie, ktoré zaruèene spôsobí, že danú zákazku *nedostanete*. Ak personál ProZ.com dostane sažnos na užívate¾a, ktorý kontaktoval zadávate¾a priamo, v rozpore s pokynmi klienta, profil užívate¾a môže by obmedzený alebo odstránený.

  • 2.27 - Where do I insert the translation of the sample text in my quote?

    Please note that outsourcers have 2 options when including a sample text in a classic job:

    • Require that the translation of the sample is sent together with the job quote.
    • Do not require the translation of the sample text but just provide it as a reference material.

    If the outsourcer has provided a sample text to be translated and sent with the quote, then you should be able to enter your translation in the Sample field of your quote. However, if the translation of the sample is not a requirement, then the Sample translation field will be unavailable and you may include your translation in the body of your job quote.

  • 2.28 - The job page says I meet the criteria for quoting on the job, but I cannot see the "Submit quote" button. Why?

    If the message box at the top of the job posting says you meet the criteria for quoting on the job and you still cannot see the Submit quote button, check the job's quoting deadline to make sure the job is not closed or else check the very top of the job posting page to make sure no This job has been closed message shows:

    If you confirm the job is still open, then check the Contact method section of the job posting to make sure the outsourcer has not requested to be contacted directly. In such case, the outsourcer's email address or a link to contact the outsourcer via email will be shown (and no Submit quote button will be present):

    If the job is open and you still cannot see any option to quote for the job, then submit a support request. You can do so by clicking on the Contact site staff if there is a problem with this job posting link at the bottom of the job posting. This will help support staff look into the issue further.

  • 2.29 - The native language and the language pairs in a job posting are not consistent. What should I do?

    First of all, notice that the native language required for a job may not always be one of the languages involved in the project but many times it may be the outsourcer's native language. Many outsourcers feel comfortable when doing business only in their own native language.

    This being said, you may submit a support request to ask staff to check this with the outsourcer to make sure there is no mistake in the selection of the native language and edit the native language for the job posting if the outsourcer confirms it is not the correct one.

  • 2.30 - Preèo nemôžem zadáva ponuky na urèité zákazky?

    Vyvesovatelia zákaziek majú možnos obmedzi okruh tých, èo môžu odisiela ponuky k ich zákazkám na základe urèitých kritérií z profilov užívate¾ov. Medzi tieto kritériá patria všeobecné oblasti odbornosti, špecifické oblasti odbnornosti, doklady o kvalifikácii, znalos softvéru, lokalita, rodný jazyk. Nebudete dostáva upovedomenia o zákazkách, na ktoré nemôžete podáva ponuky. Vyvesovatelia zákaziek tiež môžu obmedzi odosielanie ponúk užívate¾ov na základe ich èlenského statusu na ProZ.com. Toto vám však nebráni, aby ste neprijímali akéko¾vek iné upovedomenia o zákazkách.

  • 2.31 - Preèo sú niektoré zákazky oznaèené ako zákazky urèené iba pre èlenov?

    Vyvesovatelia zákaziek môžu na základe svojho slobodného rozhodnutia a zo svojich vlastných dôvodov obmedzi svoje vyvesené zákazky urèitými kritériami, vrátane úrovne èlenstva

    Niektorí klienti si volia, aby boli kontaktovaní iba platiacimi èlenmi. Iní sa rozhodnú otvori svoje zákazky po uplynutí urèitého èasu aj neplatiacim užívate¾om.

    Èasy zobrazené pre vyvesené zákazky a èasové obdobia urèené iba pre èlenov sú podobne, ako všetky èasy zobrazované na portáli, v Greenwichskom strednom èase.

  • 2.32 - What does the "Note: Job is more than 30 days old" message mean?

    Please note that you cannot quote on a job that is more than 30 days old. For jobs which have been posted for more than 30 days, and specify Direct contact (email) as the contact method, the outsourcer contact information will be hidden.

    If you cannot see the contact information for a job that is not 30 days old and for which you meet the criteria specified by the outsourcer, please submit a support request and provide the particular job URL for the job. Be sure to check the Contact method section of the job to make sure the outsourcer has not specified to be contacted via ProZ.com ('Quote' button) first.

  • 2.33 - Dostal som zákazku, avšak zadávate¾ sa mi už viac neozval...

    ProZ.com nemá aktívnu úèas na zákazkách.

    Prijatie e-mailu od zadávate¾a znamená, že vaša ponuka bola akceptovaná a zadávate¾ by vám chcel udeli projekt.

  • 2.34 - I have not received payment for a job I have done. What can I do?

    ProZ.com is not legally and/or professionally involved with any transactions/contracts between service providers and outsourcers. The site is only a venue.

    However, if non-payment is involved in 1) commissioned work that was done and 2) delivered on time, and 3) without quality complaints, you are welcome to register this issue along with an LWA entry on the Blue Board.

    Outsourcers are subject to the Termination policy.

    Note: If you report a non-payment issue, you may be later asked to substantiate that your entry is in line with Blue Board rules.

  • 2.35 - Preèo ProZ.com nestanovuje minimálnu sadzbu za preklad?

    V istom èase bol návrh, aby personál portálu stanovil nejakú podobu technického mechanizmu na diktovanie minimálnych sadzieb. Hoci ProZ.com stanovil urèité mechanizmy, ktoré môžu napomôc stabilizácii sadzieb (pozriÈasto kladené otázky týkajúce sa sadzieb), ProZ.com sa v blízkej budúcnosti nijako neusiluje o stanovenie mechanizmu pre minimálnu sadzbu z nasledujúceho dôvodu:

    Sme presvedèení, že každý èlen má právo stanovi si svoje vlastné minimálne sadzby. Poskytujeme kalkulaèku na výpoèet sadzieb na pomoc užívate¾om portálu pri potrebnom zvažovaní a poskytujeme tiež volite¾né filtre, takže užívate¾ portálu si môže stanovi vlastnú minimálnu sadzbu. Toto je v súlade s filozofiou portálu, ktorou je, že tento nezasahuje do podnikania svojich èlenov.

    Ak uvedené nie je dostatoèným dôvodom, vezmite do úvahy nasledovné:
    (1) Aj keby bolo koncepène možné a vhodné stanovi minimálnu sadzbu, v súèasnosti nemáme prostriedky, aby sme toto mohli vynúti.
    (2) Èi pokus o stanovenie minime je zákonný alebo nie, zostáva otvorenou otázkou a nie takou, na ktorú by sme mali adekvátne odporúèanie (komentáre od právnikov sú vítane na: http://www.proz.com/support )
    (3) Iné portály sa pokúšali o stanovenie minimálnych sadzieb, avšak nemalo to nijaký vidite¾ný úèinok.

    Je v záujme prekladate¾ov a ProZ.com, aby úètované sadzby boli v súlade s požiadavkami našej nároènej profesie. Na dosiahnutie uvedeného cie¾a personál ProZ.com víta a odporúèa komunikáciu a spoluprácu medzi prekladate¾mi v právnych otázkach. Sme však presvedèení, že kontrola nad sadzbami je (a mala by by!) v rukách poskytovate¾ov služieb.

  • 2.36 - Èo sú to automatické odporúèania?

    Automatické odporúèania sa zobrazujú zadávate¾ovi po tom, ako vyvesil zákazku. Systém ProZ.com automaticky vyberá prvých pä èlenov ProZ.com, ktorí najlepšie zodpovedajú kritériám konkrétnej zákazky. Zadávate¾ovi je predložený zoznam týchto prekladate¾ov a priamy odkaz na skontaktovanie sa s nimi. Zadávate¾om sa šetrí èas a sú chránení pred zbytoèným dohadovaním sa a èlenom ProZ.com sa dostáva väèšieho zvidite¾nenia, ktoré sa premieta do väèšie množstva ponúk zákaziek.

    Príklad automatických odporúèaní:

  • 2.37 - Poskytuje ProZ.com textové reklamy (ako Google), ktoré mi umožnia inzerciu mojich služieb profesionálna na vo¾nej nohe?

    Textové reklamy si možno zaplati na stránke adresára. Ak chcete získa informácie, choïte do „Môj ProZ.com“ > „Moje textové reklamy“ > „Informácie“

    Mnohí z tých, ktorí si zakúpili tieto textové inzeráty, si ich obnovili, takže pravdepodobne prinášajú svoje výsledky. Poèiatoèná cena je 20 USD. Máte možnos si ich vyskúša.

  • 2.38 - There is a job posting in which the outsourcer's budget is below the legal minimums in certain countries. Can it be removed?

    If the violation is direct (ex. 2 units per hour where the minimum wage is 4 units per hour), please enter a support request so that staff members can consider removal. (A job posting can not be removed on the basis of assumptions as to work rate, however.) If you suspect a violation of this policy, please report it via the online support system (links are provided at the bottom of each job posting to facilitate this).

    The the "legal minimums" policy might apply, for instance, to an in-house position, where the concept of wages is clearly appropriate. While in most cases the policy may not apply to freelance workers, it was implemented in order to help cover the legal aspects of retribution to language professionals.

    The ProZ.com team is aware that the policy will apply to very few cases, but it is another way of building a structure of respect for the income of language professionals.

    The policy is not intended, and should in no way be used as a "benchmark" or measurement of what a freelancer should be charging or making on any given job-- far from it.

    An article has been started in the ProZ.com Wiki, Minimum wage by country, which references existing documentation on minimum wage allowed by law in different countries. Translators are encouraged to reference this information and add to it where needed.

  • 2.39 - Can I edit a job quote after submitting it?

    No. Job quotes cannot be edited and, if removed, they cannot be re-submitted. However, If you made a mistake in your original job quote or you forgot to add important information, you can make an addendum by visiting the "My job quotes" page, selecting the specific quote and entering the new information in the write-in field available at the bottom of the quote page.

  • 2.40 - How can I find out what the real going rates are?

    The article Determining your rates and fees as a translator. has links to rates data compiled at ProZ.com, by industry associations, etc. A methodology for working out what you need to charge to meet your own income needs and objectives is also provided in the guide.

  • 2.41 - If I am free to quote whatever price I want, why would I even look at the client's budget range?

    You don't have to. Some people prefer to know the client's budget range so that they don't spend time quoting when there is little or no chance that the client will pay the rates they charge.

  • 2.42 - A job was posted with a language variant that, in my opinion, does not exist. Is this allowed?

    According to point 6 of the ProZ.com guiding principles, job posters are the ones who define the way they present their needs to the community. Academic consideration on the existence or not of a given language variant are not relevant here, this is simply a channel for an outsourcer to further specify a translation request. Information in this field is not used to filter translators, so nobody will be excluded from the job.

  • Main - Top

  • 3 - The translation center

  • 3.1 - What is the translation center?

    The translation center (“Powered by ProZ.com”) is a tool that enables companies to efficiently route work to their translators, to keep track of their projects, and to keep track of project-related communications and payment information in one convenient location.

  • 3.2 - Is the translation center a TMS (translation management system)?

    No, it is simpler and easier to use than most TMS systems. Basically, it is a notification/invitation system, and a one-stop shop to keep track of your projects and related communications and invoices.

  • 3.3 - Why do companies use the translation center?

    To be more organized and to manage more projects with less effort. It replaces email.

  • 3.4 - Can I customize it with my logo?


  • 3.5 - What is the cost of using the Translation Center?

    It is included in your ProZ.com Business membership fee.

  • 3.6 - What about privacy and data security?

    ProZ.com is TRUSTe certified to comply with worldwide standards for handling of private data, including standards of the US, EU and other locations. See the ProZ.com privacy policy for more information.

  • 3.7 - What if my company requires additional protections?

    Please ask!

  • 3.8 - What translators will work on my projects?

    Translators who you invite.

  • 3.9 - Can I use the platform to recruit?

    Not yet. But this is a requested feature and we plan to add it soon.

  • 3.10 - Can translators use their ProZ.com login details?

    Yes. They can also port their profile data over to your instance of the platform. As a result, it may be easier to keep the data you have on each translator “fresher” over time.

  • 3.11 - Can I have translators on the platform that are not ProZ.com users?


  • 3.12 - Can I manage agreements I have with my translators using the platform?

    Yes. You can store administrative notes in profiles, with attached files. These notes will let you, for instance, store any agreement reached with the translator, upload a signed NDA and record any exceptional instance of good or objectionable performance.

  • 3.13 - I group my translators in teams working on the same subjects. Can I do that?

    Yes. You can assemble as many teams as you want with the translators in your pools. When you create a work order that can include several jobs (different target languages), you can include, independently for each job:

    * All eligible translators (for instance, all translators in the appropriate language pair)
    * All the members of a team
    * Only eligible team members (belonging to the team and also matching language pair)

  • 3.14 - How are tasks assigned to translators?

    No matter if you associated a job with the whole pool or with a team, you have two ways of assigning the tasks to your translators: automatic and manual.

    * With manual assignment the PM will edit a task to manually assign it to one of the valid translators.
    * With automatic assignment, the valid translators will receive notifications inviting them to accept your tasks. Once all tasks have been accepted, no further notifications are sent and the job is blocked, avoiding the risk of having two translators working on the same file. You can remove translators from the queue, add suitable translators to the queue or send a direct message to a translator.

  • 3.15 - Is there an option to allow clients to access my ProZ.com-powered translation center?

    Yes. It is up to you whether or not you give your clients access..

  • 3.16 - Can a large file be split and assigned to different translators?

    A large file can be posted as source in a work order and then split into smaller sections, associating each section to a separate task that can be assigned to a different translator. In case of a multi-language work order, splitting the source file in one of the jobs will be enough to have the same splitting done in all the other jobs in the work order. An advantage of this operation is that all the translators and the PM will be sharing a same working page, and they will be able to exchange text and files by means of the in-page messages, for instance to coordinate terminology. Once the translations are done, the sections can be externally assembled and then a new task can be created and an editor assigned to it for consistency and quality.

  • 3.17 - How can I manage reference files?

    Reference files can be uploaded when a work order is created, and they will be displayed in all related jobs and job posting pages. It is also possible to post reference files specific for each job of a multi-languages work order. You can also upload client files, that will be presented as reference information in all jobs posted on behalf of this client.

  • 3.18 - Can I associate my work codes (and the client’s) with a work order?

    A new work order has an internal number that is displayed at the end of its URL, but there are other two important order numbers:
    * An internal order number that can be automatically indexed and formatted in a flexible combination of month, year and a numerical field.
    * A customer order number where the number assigned to the order by the client can be manually entered
    Both numbers can be used as search criteria for orders and jobs. All jobs in a work order will share the same order numbers

  • Main - Top

  • 4 - ProZ.com Spájaj!

    Finding candidates in Connect:

    You may also be interested in:

  • Video: Finding candidates in Connect: updates

  • Video: Post a job quickly in Connect

  • Video: Connect: Why and how to close the communication loop with candidates
  • 4.1 - V čom je lepší ProZ.com Spájaj! než štandardný systém zákaziek a verejný zoznam?

    • Menej časovo náročné vyhľadávanie linqistov - až 50%. Nový Pomocník na požiadavky a nový vyhľadávač v Spájaj! umožňuje veľmi cielené filtrovanie, aby ste našli vhodných prekladateľov rýchlejšie.

    • Rýchlejšie odpovede od prekladateľov. Pretože používate Spájaj! pre vyhľadávanie pre prémiové zákazky, vyžadujete si väčšie zviditeľnenie v sieti a obdržíte väčšiu pozornosť od prekladateľov, keď sa o Vás dopočujú.

    • Manažment kandidátov. Filtrujte odopvede, komunikujte s kandidátmi cez pohodlné odkazové centrum a ľahko organizujte vybratých prekladateľov priamo. K tomu môžete vyhodnocovať a jednoducho sledovať Vašich obľúbených prekladateľov.

    • Viac flexibility a kontroly. Byť schopný vidieť, kto bude informovaný o Vašej príležitosti zákazky pred tým, kým zadáte Vašu zákazku. K tomu Váš účet pre vyhľadávanie a manažment kandidátov je diskrétny, držiac Vaše vyhľadávacie aktivity diskrétne a nie viditeľné Vašej konkurencii alebo klientom.

    • Širší dosah. V niektorých jazykových kombináciach Spájaj! poskytuje prístup k omnoho väčšiemu počtu prekladateľov než sú prístupní vo verejnom zozname.

  • 4.2 - Aký je rozdiel medzi ProZ.com Spájaj! a firemným členstvom?

    ProZ.com Spájaj! Vám umožňuje vyhľadávanie a jazykový manažment aktivity.

    Firemné členstvo Vás rozlišuje v spoločnosti ako firmu, ktorá podporuje ProZ.com a umožňuje Vám propagovať Vaše podnikanie v špeciálnom firemnom zozname. Základné používanie ProZ.com Spájaj! je zahrnuté ako jedná z výhod firemného členstva. Dozvedieť sa viac .

  • 4.3 - Ako a prečo bol Proz.com Spájaj! vytvorený?

    ProZ.com Spájaj! bol vyvinutý, beta testovaný a riadený viac ako 10 mesiacov v spolupráci s 25timi výsadnými zákazníkmi. Medzi nimi bolo šesť z dvadsať najväčších jazykových spoločností sveta a niekoľko svetových firiem, ktoré nakupujú prekladateľské služby, vrátane svetového 100 podniku. Mnoho jazykových firiem strednej veľkosti takisto absovovalo výsadný program, jedna z nich mala napríklad iba dvoch zamestnancov.

    Zistili sme, že tradičná metóda vyberania prekladateľov - prehrabávať sa cez kopy CVs (curriculum vitae) a sledovaním kandidátov cez tabulkové procesory a e-maily zaberá príliš veľa času nájsť kvalifikovaných kandidátov, ktorých fima potrebuje - často pre naliehavé úlohy. Preto mnohí hráči jazykového odvetvia spolupracujú úzko s ProZ.com, vytvorili platformu, ktorá rieši tieto dlhotrvajúce a cenovo nákladné problémy.

  • 4.4 - Aký je rozdiel medzi Spájaj! zákazkami a "klasickým" systémom zákaziek?

    Spajaj! zákazky sú tie, zadané cez ProZ.com Spájaj! platformu. Spájaj! zákazky dovoľujú zadávateľom určiť ich požiadavky s väčšou diskrétnosťou a zamerať zákazku pozornejšie k žiadaným jazykovým professionálom. Spájaj! zákazky sa ukážu iba tím, ktorích ProZ.com profily vyhovujú požiadavkam, ktoré určil zadávateľ.

    "Klasický" systém zákaziek poukazuje na originálny zadávací systém zákaziek na ProZ.com. "Klasické" zákazky sú viditeľné do určitého stupňa všetkými uživateľmi portálu.

  • 4.5 - Aká je prémiová zákazka?

    Zákazka sa považuje za prémiovú, keď projekt platítrhovú cenu alebo vyššiu za danú jazykovú kombináciu, a platí prekladateľa minimom €100.

  • 4.6 - Kto rozhoduje o tom, či zakázka je alebo nie je zaradená ako "prémiová"?

    Nateraz, Spájaj! klienti sú požiadaní sami určiť, či sa zákazka kvalifikuje ako "prémiová", podľa definície hore.

    Všimnite si prosím, že to môže poškodiť reputáciu spoločnosti označiť zákazku ako prémovú, ak ju potenciálni kandidáti za takú nepovažujú. Je to preto v záujme zadávateľa byť vyberavým o tom, ktorú zákazku označí prémiovou.

    Ak cítite, že zákazka bola zadaná ako prémiová a hore uvedené podmienky neboli splnené, prosím vložte oznámenie podpore, uvádzajúc špecifické zadanie URL.

  • 4.7 - Can I make a duplicate from a posted job and use it for a newer one?

    Yes, you can make a copy of the posted Connect! job. To do so, open a new Connect! job and click on Copy details from a previous job on the left upper corner. Select a job to copy the details and you will be redirected to the Edit Requirements page.

  • 4.8 - The system is not allowing me to access Connect! platform. Why?

    If your profile is associated with a company whose ProZ.com Blue Board record has a low average LWA (below 2.5 within the past 12 months) or else has an active non-payment complaint your access to Connect! platform could be blocked. Check Affiliations field in your profile or directly a Blue Board(s) your profile affiliated with.

    If there is no Blue Board affiliations in your profile feel free to submit a support request.

  • 4.9 - Sending/receiving files

  • 9.1 - How can I send files to other site users?

    You can send files to any ProZ.com user by clicking on Send file (beta)... at the top of the addressee's profile page. A box should pop-up, allowing you to select a file from a list of recently uploaded files or to upload a new file. You will also be given the option to specify your file type (work file, translation memory, glossary, reference file, contract, invoice, CV/resume or other). Finally, a comment may be added to the file sent.

    Note that the Send file function has been designed to send work-related files. Use of this tool for other purposes is not permitted.

  • 9.2 - Can I send multiple files to more than one site user at the same time?

    No. Though you can send as many files as you need to more than one user, this cannot be done at the same time.

    To send several files to more than one user, you must visit each user's profile and use the Send file function as described in 4.7.1 one time for each file.

  • 9.3 - What type of files can be sent/received?

    You can send .doc, .pdf, .ttx, .rtf, .txt, .odt, .docx, .odg, .xls, .csv, .tmw, .zip, .iix, .mdf, .mtf, .ods, .xml, .itd, .log, .wps files with texts to be translated, reference texts, conracts, TMs, glossaries, invoices, CVs and other job-related documents.

  • 9.4 - What is the maximum size allowed for files sent/received?

    The file upload size limit is 5 MB.

  • 9.5 - Will I be notified of files I receive?

    Yes. A notification will be sent to your email address whenever a file is sent to you via the Send file (beta)... function in your profile.

  • 9.6 - Where can I see received/sent files?

    You can see a list of sent and received files by going to My files under the "My ProZ.com" tab.

  • 9.7 - Can I also upload files to "My files"?

    Yes. You can upload a file to "My files" by clicking on Upload file at the top left corner of the My files page.

    Note that each file you upload cannot be larger than 5 MB.

  • 9.8 - What types of files can I upload to "My files"?

    You can upload the following file types: .doc, .pdf, .ttx, .rtf, .txt, .odt, .docx, .odg, .xls, .csv, .tmw, .zip, .iix, .mdf, .mtf, .ods, .xml, .itd, .log, .wps.

    Note that you can upload translation memories and glossaries to the TMs & terms section of "My files". The size limit for TMs and terms files is 10Mb (20Mb for Corporate Members).

  • 9.9 - Can I store files in "My files" for long periods of time?

    Yes. There is currently no time limit. You will set your own time depending on the space used.

  • 9.10 - Can others access "My files"?

    If you upload your files as a company, other users at that company will be able to see the files you uploaded.

    However, no one but you will have access to your translation memories and glossaries.

  • 9.11 - Is there a storage space limit for my files?

    Yes. The file upload size limit is 60MB for Professional members and 100MB for Corporate members.

  • 9.12 - How can I delete files?

    To delete a file, just click on the file title and then on Delete this file.

  • 9.13 - How can I download files received?

    To download a file, simply click on the orange icon next to the file title.

  • 9.14 - How can I be sure a file is safe to download?

    For files received, you can check for possible virus by clicking on the received file title and then on Analize file. If the file is clean, you will receive an 'OK' message. However, if the file is corrupted, an error message with details will be shown at the top of the file information page.

  • 9.15 - Will I be notified when others receive the file(s) I sent to them?

    Note that you will be notified when recipients download the files you send them and not when they have received them.

  • 9.16 - Can I specify a language and a field for my TM and glossary files?

    Yes. You can specify a language and/or a field for your translation memory and glossary files by clicking on [Edit] next to the specific file in the TMs & terms section.

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  • 5 - Pre-qualified jobs

    Watch a screencast explaining ProZ.com pre-qualified jobs here.

  • 5.1 - What is a pre-qualified job?

    Getting a small job done quickly can take time. Service providers need to be called, emailed to see who is available, files transferred, POs issued, all before the work actually starts. This means wasted time for outsourcers and service providers alike.

    Pre-qualified jobs are designed to solve this problem--and eliminate the wasted time, allowing you to get your project done faster. Upload your files, choose who you want to work with, get the job assigned to one of your pre-qualified vendors--and get the job done!

  • 5.2 - How do prequalified jobs work?

    Pre-qualified jobs are a tool for streamlining the process of assigning language jobs to qualified service providers.

    1. The outsourcer uploads the job and chooses qualified service providers, who are automatically invited a few at a time.

    2. The first available service provider accepts the job, and a PO is generated.

    3. The service provider completes the work, delivers the file, and submits the invoice.

  • 5.3 - How are pre-qualified jobs different from other ProZ.com jobs?

    The key differences with the pre-qualified job posting approach are:

  • Outsourcers can work with their regular pre-approved service providers

  • Complete work materials and terms are provided in advance

  • The first pre-qualified provider to accept the job gets it, and can begin working right away

  • Invitations are sent over time to an ordered list of providers (instead of all at once)

  • 5.4 - What are the benefits of pre-qualified jobs for outsourcers?

    If you outsource language jobs, the ProZ.com pre-qualified job system offers the following benefits:

  • Increased efficiencies in supply chain management--eliminate the delay in getting the work started

  • Work with pre-qualified resources faster and easier

  • The option to automatically qualify new service providers, if no existing resources are available

  • 5.5 - What are the benefits of pre-qualified jobs for service providers?

    Pre-qualified jobs offer the following benefits to service providers:

  • No quoting necessary--you are pre-approved, simply accept the job if you want it

  • Complete job materials and terms available in advance to evaluate the job opportunity

  • Accelerates work to you from your regular clients

  • 5.6 - Who can post pre-qualified jobs?

    Full ProZ.com members and corporate members can post pre-qualified jobs, provided they do not have a Blue Board average LWA of less than 3 and that there are no open non-payment reports in their Blue Board.

  • 5.7 - Where can I post a pre-qualified job?

    To post a pre-qualified job go to the Jobs tab at the top of the page and click on "New job posting". For more information, watch the screencast here.

  • 5.8 - Who can reply to pre-qualified jobs?

    Any ProZ.com free user or paying member can reply to a Pre-qualified job invitation. Only those invited by the outsourcer will be able to reply to a pre-qualified offer.

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  • 6 - Private job postings

  • 6.1 - What are private job postings?

    Private job postings are similar to other ProZ.com job postings except that they are visible only to a specific list of eligible service providers. Others will not see any identifiable information about the job posting (though certain generalized information such as language pair and field of expertise may be listed publicly, in order to show general market activity and trends).

  • 6.2 - What is the purpose of private job postings?

    In some circumstances, outsourcers who might otherwise post a job at ProZ.com refrain from doing so because they don't want their search activity to be publicly visible (ex. to their clients or competitors). Private job postings allow outsourcers to make these job opportunities available to eligible service providers at ProZ.com. While this might decrease the number of job postings that are visible to any particular user, the goal is that it will increase the overall number of jobs passed through ProZ.com, and improve the relevance of job postings accessible to each provider.

  • 6.3 - How are eligible providers for a private job posting determined?

    The outsourcer may explicitly specify providers who are eligible. The system can also attempt to automatically identify eligible providers, if the outsourcer allows it. To do so, the system searches for providers with relevant language pairs, native language, field of expertise, etc., taking into account provider job notification preferences. Prior relationships between the outsourcer and provider are also considered, including the feedback they have recorded about each other.

  • 6.4 - How can I be considered eligible for more private job postings?

    Make sure your profile is complete, so that the system can find you when searching for eligible providers with your qualifications. (Having a completed profile is also important to help potential clients to find you via the ProZ.com directory, Internet search engines, etc.)

  • 6.5 - Why can't I access a particular private job posting? I think I meet the eligibility requirements.

    Outsourcers have a fine-grained control over the list of eligible service providers for their job postings. An outsourcer may choose to direct a job posting to a specific list of providers, regardless of their profile information.

  • 6.6 - Are private jobs also subject to vetting?

    Yes. Private jobs are vetted by ProZ.com staff, in line with site rules for job posting. Private job postings are identical to other classic job postings, except that only eligible providers are allowed to access them.

  • 6.7 - What are social network private jobs?

    Social network private jobs are job postings generated semi-automatically from job offers made in social networks to give these offers better exposure and reach more suitable service providers than they could reach in the noise of social networks.

    For the time being, only job offers made through the the ProZ.com translators and interpreters Facebook group are brought to the site in the form of job postings. Just as jobs posted privately through ProZ.com, social network private jobs are only visible to a specific list of eligible service providers (selected based on language pairs, native language, field of expertise, etc.)

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  • 7 - Turn-key translation - service provider

  • 7.1 - What is turn-key translation?

    Turn-key translation is a ProZ.com service that helps clients and translators do quick-turnaround translation jobs with a minimal amount of overhead. The client submits text and payment, and then receives the translation. The translator accepts the job (if interested) and translates the text.

    There is no need to quote because qualification is determined in advance. The prices are fixed so there is no negotiation. Clients pay in advance and payment is guaranteed by ProZ.com. The job can be reviewed in its entirety before acceptance, and payment is made shortly after completion. All the translator needs to do is translation.

  • 7.2 - How will I get paid?

    Payment will be made to your ProZ.com wallet within 15 days after successful delivery and in USD currency only. See the service provider agreement for details.

  • 7.3 - Is there any fee for receiving payment via my ProZ.com wallet?

    ProZ.com does not charge a fee for processing wallet withdrawals, but you are responsible for paying any third-party transaction fees. See the wallet page for more details.

  • 7.4 - How is invoicing handled?

    At this time, the system does not collect or issue invoices from translator to client. If your tax authority has specific invoicing requirements, you may not be able to use the turn-key translation service in its current state. If you need an invoice for accounting purposes, you might consider creating an invoice in your system as a placeholder for the transaction. If there proves to be a demand for this service, invoicing capabilities will be added to the system.

  • 7.5 - How are taxes handled?

    You are responsible for any taxes that may be due on your payment. The amount of any taxes due is considered to be included in the total payment amount offered for the task.

    At this time, the system does not calculate or collect any taxes. If your tax authority requires that you collect or pay taxes on such transactions, it is your responsibility to handle this outside of the turn-key translation system. If you are unclear about your tax obligations for the use of this service, you are advised not to use the service at this time.

  • 7.6 - How are the rates determined?

    Currently, while the system is in its "beta" stage, pricing is deliberately simplistic as a placeholder for future development. At this time, regardless of job details, the system charges the client based on a fixed per-source-word rate for the provider and a per-source-word transaction fee to ProZ.com. The fixed rate is offered to eligible service providers, who can choose to accept or decline the job.

    If there proves to be a demand for the turn-key translation service, a more detailed pricing model will be developed based on real world data and usage patterns.

  • 7.7 - What if the client has complaints about the quality of my translation?

    You will be given the opportunity to correct any defects found in your translation. If the corrections are not satisfactory to the client, or if there is any other dispute, it will be resolved at the reasonable discretion of ProZ.com staff. Such resolution may include a full or partial reduction of your payment. See the service provider agreement for details.

  • 7.8 - What if I am unable to deliver the translation on time?

    Please alert ProZ.com staff as early as possible if circumstances arise that prevent the agreed upon deadline from being met. If you do not deliver the translation on time, you are not entitled to any payment and the task may be reassigned to another service provider. You may also be excluded from future assignments. See the service provider agreement for details.

  • 7.9 - How is the translator chosen for a turn-key translation? What criteria are used to determine eligibility?

    When a turn-key translation order is placed, the system identifies suitable providers based on a variety of criteria and invites a few at a time, in order, until one of them accepts the job. Eligibility and order of preference are determined by criteria such as the following (listed here in no particular order):

    * Certified PRO status
    * native language
    * emphasis of language pair
    * reported expertise in field
    * current availability and time zone
    * track record on previous turn-key translations
    * past feedback from this client
    * relevant KudoZ points
    * etc.

    Note that Certified PRO status and ProZ.com membership are not required for eligibility, though they will be taken into consideration when determining the order in which eligible providers are invited.

    In the future, the system may provide an option for the client to have more control over the selection criteria.

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  • 8 - Turn-key translation - client

  • 8.1 - What is turn-key translation? What's the advantage for clients?

    Turn-key translation is a ProZ.com service that helps reduce the overhead costs for short, quick-turnaround translation jobs. Just submit the text and payment, and then receive the translation. The system automatically handles routing the work to suitable translators, delivering the completed work back to you, and paying the service providers.

  • 8.2 - For what type of work is the system intended?

    The turn-key translation system is intended for quick translation of relatively short texts. This type of work has been described as a hassle for translation companies, perhaps because the overhead involved in getting the work done may exceed the value to the client. The turn-key platform attempts to reduce this overhead cost.

    At this time, only plain text can be translated. Texts in other file formats may be copied into the system, but the non-text formatting is not preserved. In the future, support for additional file formats may be added.

  • 8.3 - How will I receive the completed translation?

    You will be notified via email when the translation is completed, and given a link to the order management page from which the translated text can be retrieved.

  • 8.4 - Is ProZ.com a translation agency?

    No. ProZ.com provides a platform for clients, translators, and translation agencies to meet and get work done. Acting as an agent for clients is not in line with ProZ.com's mission; both agencies and end clients are considered to be potential users of the turn-key translation service.

  • 8.5 - If I order a translation and find a great translator, can I work with him/her directly next time?

    Absolutely. Once you have established a relationship with a ProZ.com translator, you may find it is in your best interest to continue working directly with that person. Nurturing a long-term service arrangement will bring benefits over time, as the service provider will be able to deliver high quality work in a shorter period of time, as he or she becomes increasingly familiar with terminology and information specific to you or your company.

  • 8.6 - What fees are charged?

    The quote presented when an order is placed includes the payment that will be made to the translator and a transaction fee to ProZ.com for use of the platform. In some cases, the payment processor you choose may charge an additional transaction fee--this fee will be clearly displayed before you are charged.

  • 8.7 - How is payment handled?

    When you order a translation, you deposit the full payment amount in advance into escrow. 15 days after the translation has been delivered, the funds will be released to the provider(s).

  • 8.8 - Which are the currencies available for Turn-key jobs?

    For the time being, Turn-key jobs will only be payable in USD.

  • 8.9 - How are tax issues handled?

    At this time, the system does not calculate or collect any taxes. If your tax authority requires that you collect or pay taxes on such transactions, it is your responsibility to handle this outside of the turn-key translation system. If you are unclear about your tax obligations for the use of this service, you are advised not to use the service at this time.

  • 8.10 - Is the translation reviewed by a second provider before being delivered?

    At this time, the work is done by only a single translator. In the future, an additional option may be provided to have the work reviewed by a second service provider for an additional fee.

  • 8.11 - What if I am not satisfied with the translation that is delivered?

    Submit a complaint in writing to ProZ.com within 7 days after the translation is delivered. The escrowed funds will be placed on hold and a dispute resolution process initiated. If the outcome is in your favor, you can have a refund or a re-translation at no additional cost.

  • 8.12 - The language pair I need for my job is not available in the list of language pairs for Turn-key jobs. What should I do?

    If the language pair you need for your project is not available in the list of language pairs currently available for Turn-key jobs, please submit a support request, specifying such pair so that staff can evaluate the possibility to include it in the list.

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  • 9 - Cloud jobs

  • 9.1 - What is cloud jobs?

    ProZ.com cloud jobs is a service that enables simple client-translator matching though quick-turnaround translation jobs. The client uploads the text and selects project requirements, the system gets the project routed to qualified professionals who use the cloud interface to review the project, accept it (if interested) and deliver their translation.

    In cloud jobs, there is no quoting or negotiation, the project is assigned to the first qualified translator who accepts to take it. Clients pay in advance and translators are paid shortly after completion.

  • 9.2 - How is the translator selected for a cloud job?

    When a cloud job order is placed, email invitations are sent every 5’ to suitable providers based on required language pairs, fields and rates. Other criteria may include current availability and time zone, membership level, Certified PRO status, native language, and previous cloud job activity. The project is assigned to the first translator who accepts the job on the order page.

  • 9.3 - What is the technology used for ProZ.com cloud jobs?

    ProZ.com cloud jobs are ordered and delivered using cloud managing tool Textra, a ProZ.com partner.

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  • 10 - Cloud jobs - service provider

  • 10.1 - How will I get paid for a delivered cloud job?

    Payment will be made to your ProZ.com wallet within 15 days after successful delivery and in USD currency only.

  • 10.2 - Is there any fee for receiving payment for a delivered cloud job?

    ProZ.com does not charge a fee for processing wallet withdrawals, but you are responsible for paying any third-party transaction fees. See the wallet page for more details.

  • 10.3 - How are invoicing and taxes handled?

    At this time, the system does not collect or issue invoices from translator to client, nor does it calculate or collect any taxes (you are responsible for any taxes that may be due on your payment). However, if you need an invoice for accounting purposes, you might consider creating an invoice in your system as a placeholder for the transaction.

    If your tax authority has specific invoicing and tax requirements, you may not be able to use the cloud jobs in its current state.

    If there proves to be a demand for this service, invoicing capabilities will be added to the system.

  • 10.4 - How are cloud job rates determined?

    Currently, the system suggests clients average rates based on languages and fields using eligible service providers' profile information.

    In cloud jobs, there is no quoting or negotiation, the project is assigned to the first qualified translator who accepts the job at the rate offered.

  • 10.5 - What if the client has complaints about the quality of my cloud translation?

    If you receive quality complaints from the client shortly after delivery, you will be given the opportunity to correct any defects found in your translation. If the corrections are not satisfactory to the client, or if there is any other dispute, it will be resolved at the reasonable discretion of ProZ.com staff. Such resolution may include a full or partial reduction of your payment.

  • 10.6 - What if I am unable to deliver the translation?

    Please alert ProZ.com staff as early as possible if circumstances arise that prevent the agreed upon deadline from being met. If you do not deliver the translation on time, you are not entitled to any payment and the task may be reassigned to another service provider. You may also be excluded from future assignments.

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  • 11 - Cloud jobs - client

  • 11.1 - For what type of work is the cloud jobs platform intended?

    The cloud jobs service is intended for quick translation of relatively short texts.

  • 11.2 - How will I receive the translation completed through the cloud jobs platform?

    Once completed, the translated text will be displayed on the project page and sent via email.

  • 11.3 - If I find a great translator through a cloud job, can I work with him/her directly next time?

    Sure! Once you have established a relationship with a ProZ.com translator, you may find it is in your best interest to continue working directly with that person. Nurturing a long-term service arrangement will bring benefits over time, as the service provider will be able to deliver high quality work in a shorter period of time, as he or she becomes increasingly familiar with terminology and information specific to you or your company.

  • 11.4 - What fees are charged for cloud jobs?

    The quote presented when an order is placed includes the payment that will be made to the translator and a transaction fee to ProZ.com for use of the platform. In some cases, the payment processor you choose may charge an additional transaction fee--this fee will be clearly displayed before you are charged.

  • 11.5 - How is cloud job payment handled?

    When placing your order, you will be asked to deposit the full payment amount in advance. Funds will be released to the service provider within 15 days of delivery.

  • 11.6 - Which are the currencies available for cloud jobs?

    For the time being, cloud jobs will only be payable in USD.

  • 11.7 - How are tax issues handled for cloud jobs?

    At this time, the system does not calculate or collect any taxes. If your tax authority requires that you collect or pay taxes on such transactions, it is your responsibility to handle this outside of the turn-key translation system. If you are unclear about your tax obligations for the use of this service, you are advised not to use the service at this time.

  • 11.8 - Are cloud job translations reviewed before being delivered?

    At this time, the work is done by only a single translator. In the future, an additional option may be provided to have the work reviewed by a second service provider for an additional fee.

  • 11.9 - What if I am not satisfied with the cloud translation that is delivered?

    Submit a complaint in writing to ProZ.com within 7 days after the translation is delivered. The escrowed funds will be placed on hold and a dispute resolution process initiated. If the outcome is in your favor, you can have a refund or a re-translation at no additional cost.

  • 11.10 - The language pair I need for my job is not available in the list of language pairs for cloud jobs. What should I do?

    If the language pair you need for your project is not available in the list of language pairs currently available for cloud jobs, please submit a support request, specifying such pair so that staff can evaluate the possibility to include it in the list.

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  • 12 - Job notifications

  • 12.1 - Nedostávam e-mailové upovedomenia o zákazkách.

    Ak nedostávate upozornenia na zákazky, prièom ste ich nikdy ani nedostali, skontrolujte si nastavenia na stránke vášho profilu. Nebudete dostáva nijaké upovedomenia v prípade, že ste:
    - nezadali jazykové kombinácie
    - nezadali nijaké oblasti odbornosti
    - nezvolili e-mailové upovedomenia na zákazky vo svojich e-mailových preferenciách.

    Ak ste dostávali upovedomenia a bez toho, že by ste nieèo zmenili, ste ich prestali dostáva, príèin môže by nieko¾ko:
    - predchádzajúce správy adresované vám boli vracané ako spam a vaša e-mailová adresa bola oznaèená ako zlá (skontrolujte si osobné údaje na stránke vášho profilu. Pred vašu adresu budú pridané znaky „xxx“'
    - je prítomný problém s e-mailovými upovedomeniami ProZ.com. (Informácie získate skontrolovaním stránky stavu portálu)
    - ak váš ISP zmenil alebo pridal filtrovanie a filtrovanie bráni upozorneniam, aby k vám došli (známy je napr. problém s terra.es)

    Ak sa vám po skontrolovaní vyššie uvedeného nepodarilo nájs, kde je problém, zadajte požiadavku na podporu s odkazom na minimálne jednu zákazku, na ktorú ste neboli upozornení.

  • 12.2 - What is the criteria taken into account for classic jobs notifications?

    Classic jobs notifications are sent taking into account the following fields in a job posting, apart from jobs notifications preferences:

    # Language pair
    # Service type
    # Subject Field
    # Rates

    However, note that outsources may also restrict their jobs using the following criteria:

    # Membership
    # Account type
    # Native language
    # Software
    # Credentials
    # Location
    # Specific field
    # Expertise

    Thus, when receiving a job notification what you are receiving is an alert that a job was posted in the language pair reported in your profile, in one of your fields, within your rates and looking for one of the services you offer. But this is just an alert. To the see the job's details, you must visit the job posting.

  • 12.3 - Nedostávam všetky e-mailové upozornenia na zákazky, ktoré by som mal dostáva.

    Keï vychádzajú von e-mailové upozornenia na zákazky, medzi zvažovanými kritériami sú: jazyková kombinácia, tematická oblas, požadované nástroje, geografické súvislosti, vyžadované doklady o kvalifikácii, ponúkaná sadzba. Ak ste nedostali e-mailové upovedomenie o zákazke, zabezpeète, aby vaše nastavenia profilu a e-mailové preferencie boli také, aby ste ich dostávali. Ak ste presvedèení o tom, že sú, prosím odošlite požiadavku na podporu, vrátane URL jedného alebo viacerých zákaziek, o ktorých ste mali by upovedomení. Personál podpory skontroluje, èi upozoròujúci e-mail urèený vám opustil alebo neopustil servery ProZ.com. (Ak áno, potom je niekde prítomný problém, resp. môže dochádza k filtrovaniu u vášho ISP alebo vo vašom poèítaèi.)

  • 12.4 - Preèo nie som upovedomovaný o všetkých zákazkách vo svojej jazykovej kombinácii?

    Aj keï vaše e-mailové preferencie špecifikujú, že si neželáte by upovedomovaný o „všetkých“ zákazkách vo vašej jazykovej kombinácii, jestvuje celý rad kritérií používaných systémom na urèenie, koho treba upovedomi o nových vyvesených zákazkách. Napr. zadávatelia môžu špecifikova, že si želajú upovedomova iba prekladate¾ov v urèitej krajine, resp. tých, ktorí majú urèitý softvér. Výber „všetky upovedomenia“ zabezpeèí iba to, že dostanete upovedomenie o zákazke, ak zadávate¾ nešpecifikoval nijaké takého podrobné obmedzenia.

  • 12.5 - Preèo mi upozornenia na zákazky prídu až po uplynutí istého èasu od ich vyvesenia? Zdá sa, že je prítomné nejaké oneskorenie.

    Niektorí vyvesovatelia zákaziek môžu vyvesova zákazky, ktoré sa zobrazia okamžite. Vyvesenie zákazky inými si vyžaduje kontrolu. E-mailové upozornenia sa nemôžu posla dovtedy, kým takéto zákazky nie sú skontrolované. Preto okamih, kedy dostanete e-mail, môže by oneskorený o nieko¾ko hodín oproti èasu, kedy bola zákazka vyvesená. Upovedomenia sa všetkým užívate¾om posielajú spravodlivým spôsobom. Všetky upovedomovacie e-maily opúšajú naše servery do 5 minút

    Ïalším faktorom, ktorý treba zobra do úvahy, je rozdiel v èasových pásmach. Všetky zobrazené èasy na portáli sú v Greenwichskom strednom èase (GMT). Preto, v závislosti od vášho geografickej lokality, je možné, že èas vášho upovedomenia o zákazke bude oproti vyveseniu zákazky rozdielny. Napriek tomu, ak vezmete do úvahy rozdiel medzi èasom zobrazenia na portáli a vaším e-mailovým klientom, uvidíte, že e-mailové upovedomenie bolo poslané v skutoènosti iba nieko¾ko minút po skontrolovaní a zverejnení zákazky.

    Ak sa stretávate s oneskoreniami, pre ktoré neplatí vyššie uvedené vysvetlenie, odošlite prosím požiadavku na podporu, vrátane URL tej zákazky, pri ktorej sa váš e-mail oneskoril. Budeme schopní zisti presný èas, kedy daná správa opustila naše servery.

  • 12.6 - What are "Classic" job posting notifications for Business members?

    As of May 2016, Business members have the option to receive notifications based on the fields declared in their company profiles.

    Business pages are not bound by requirements that only make sense when the service provider is just one person, such as "Native language".

    With this tool, Business members can choose to be notified of all the job postings that they can submit a quote on. This is done by comparing the requirements in the job posting with the working languages that they have declared that their company provides services in.

  • 12.7 - I received a job notification through ProZ.com that did not come through the directory, direct profile contact or from a ProZ.com job post, what is it?

    An interface ("API" or Application programming interface) is being developed which allows clients to search for and contact ProZ.com members for paid work from their own translation platforms. In essence, this interface represents a potential additional channel of client contact for ProZ.com members. The interface is currently being tested with a limited group of volunteers.

    Translation clients can use the interface to look for language professionals based on various search parameters, much in the way clients use the ProZ.com directory. Clients may then select candidates to contact for potential work through their translation platform. Initial contact is handled via an invitation which the language professional receives through email. The recipient is given information regarding the client and project, and may respond by email. The recipient's contact email is not disclosed unless they choose to respond to the invitation.

    Potential clients who use this interface to search for language professionals will only see a sub-set of the information that you have chosen to make public in your ProZ.com profile, similar to the data that is shown in the ProZ.com directory. No information which you have not made expressly public in your ProZ.com profile is shared with potential clients unless you choose to do so.

    Work relations beyond the acceptance of an invitation to collaborate are the responsibility of the the client and the service provider. When considering working with any new client, service providers are encouraged to perform adequate screening and risk management.

    Remember that, similarly to the ProZ.com directory and the jobs posting system, certain information you enter in your ProZ.com profile can help better connect you with the kind of potential clients you are seeking. Declaring your rates (even if you choose to keep them private) will help prevent client contact from those seeking translation services below your rates, for example.

    For more information on how this works, see:

    If you have further questions about how this works, please contact the ProZ.com site team via support request.

  • 12.8 - What is the RSS feed for jobs?

    RSS is an acronym for Really Simple Syndication, a family of Web formats used to publish frequently updated content such as news headlines or blog entries in a standardized format and that allows users to subscribe to it.

    A feed reader is client software or a Web application that is used to subscribe to and collect syndicated web content in a single location for easy viewing.

    You can track job postings matching your preferences in your RSS feed reader by clicking the orange button in the jobs page to get started (your feed will be based on your advanced search settings there). To see the complete job description and to quote, you will need to visit the full job page using the link in the feed item.

    The feed contains the basic information about the job, including the link to the job, the job title and short description, and the job requirements (including language pairs and field of expertise). The feed updates once every five minutes.

    You will notice that the URL for the feed contains your entity_id and a unique token that allows you to view job summaries that match your preferences without logging in. You cannot use this token to log in or to access any part of the site. Additionally, the token and feed does not contain any personally identifiable information about the subscriber.

    You can subscribe using any news reader that you would like. If you encounter any encoding issues or have questions, comments or concerns, please contact site staff via a support request.

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