Pracovné jazyky:
dánčina -> nemčina
holandčina -> nemčina
albánčina -> nemčina

28 years of experience

Beziers, Languedoc-Roussillon, Francúzsko
Miestny čas: 22:43 CET (GMT+1)

Rodné jazyky: angličtina Native in angličtina, nemčina Native in nemčina
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zo strany prekladateľa (LWA)

Total: 160 entries
Typ účtu Profesionálny prekladateľ na voľnej nohe a agentúra / spoločnosť, Identity Verified Overený používateľ portálu
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. Because this person is not a Plus subscriber, to view his or her SecurePRO™ card you must be a Business member or Plus subscriber.
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Služby Translation, Subtitling, MT post-editing
Odborné znalosti
Špecializuje sa na:
financie (všeobecne)právo: zmluva(y)
jadrová energetika/vedapoèítaèe: softvér
technológia (všeobecne)vláda / politika
medzinárodne organizácie/rozvoj/spoluprácamedicína: farmaká
medicína: prístrojepatenty

dánčina -> nemčina - Štandardná sadzba: 0.10 EUR za slovo / 25 EUR na hodinu
holandčina -> nemčina - Štandardná sadzba: 0.10 EUR za slovo / 25 EUR na hodinu
albánčina -> nemčina - Štandardná sadzba: 0.10 EUR za slovo / 25 EUR na hodinu
arabčina -> nemčina - Štandardná sadzba: 0.10 EUR za slovo / 25 EUR na hodinu
bosniančina -> nemčina - Štandardná sadzba: 0.10 EUR za slovo / 25 EUR na hodinu

Payment methods accepted PayPal
Skúsenosti Prax v rokoch: 38. Registrácia na Jan 2015. Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Doklady o kvalifikácii N/A
Členstvá N/A
Softvér Adobe Acrobat, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Trados Studio
CV/Resume angličtina (DOCX)
TEL UK : 0044-20-32861442 TEL USA: 001 202 6575190
TEL FRANCE: 0033-4- FAX: 0033-4-
Skype : CenTradEuro
E-mail: [email protected]

MY TRANSLATION SERVICES provides foreign language translations by over 300 experienced multilingual native translators worldwide. The final translation will be carried out by a native speaker of the target language. Our comprehensive database of worldwide translators means that we can translate from and to a wide range of languages, such as Arabic, Chinese, English, French, German, Italian, Spanish, Japanese and many more. Altogether more than 325 language combinations are available from native speakers.
Increasing globalization means that it is increasingly important for your international business to present itself by means of a professional, multilingual website.
After years of working with businesses from around the world, I have assembled an international network of translators, who are able to translate your website, thereby overcoming geographical, language and cultural barriers. Our translators translate your web texts clearly, aimed at target groups and understandable to all. One of the first things to decide, therefore, is whether the translation will remain exclusively a linguistic exercise or if the text will be published on the web site. If the job is strictly linguistic, we will obtain all the HTML content we require proceed with the translation, as if it were any other form of document to be translated.

Catalogues, instructions manuals, service and training manuals, service bulletins, dealer portals, event materials, intranet content, requests for proposal, requests for quote, or bid and Requests for Tender (RFTs), etc.
Annual reports, financial statements, human resources documents, international and intercultural communications, policies and guidelines, job openings, public relations materials, etc.
Technical, product and operating manuals, oil, gas & renewable energy documents, foreign oil, gas& renewable energy legislation, exploration and production documents, refining and commercialization documents, etc.
Medical & Pharmaceutical
Medical equipment, academic papers for specialized publications, medical charts, clinical trials, instructions for medical staff and patients, health care, research & development (R&D), hospital surveys, product packaging, medical records, consent forms, etc.
Certificates of accuracy, witness statements, depositions, trusts, wills, articles of incorporation, litigation documents, immigration documents, property/exhibit labels, patents, birth certificates, divorce decrees, settlements, etc.

Fields of competence:

Accounting, Advertising / Public Relations, Agriculture, Anthropology, Architecture, Art, Arts & Crafts, Painting, Astronomy & Space, Automotive / Cars & Trucks, Aerospace / Aviation / Space, Biology (-tech,-chem,micro-), Botany, Business/Commerce (general), Medical: Cardiology, Chemistry; Chem Sci/Eng, Cinema, Film, TV, Drama, Computers: Hardware, Computers: Software, Computers: Systems, Networks, Building = Construction, Cooking / Culinary, Cosmetics, Beauty, Medical: Dentistry, Economics, Education / Pedagogy, Electronics / Elect Eng, Energy / Power Generation, Engineering (general), Engineering: Industrial, Environment & Ecology, Esoteric practices, Banking = Finance, Fisheries, Folklore, Food & Drink, Forestry / Wood / Timber, Furniture / Household Appliances, Games / Video Games / Gaming / Casino, General / Conversation / Greetings / Letters, Genealogy, Geology, Geography, Government / Politics, History, Human Resources, IT (Information Technology), Insurance, International Org/Dev/Coop, Internet, e-Commerce, Investment / Securities, Contracts = Law: Contract, Law: Patents, Trademarks, Copyright, Law (general), Linguistics, Animal Husbandry = Livestock, Poetry & Literature, Management, Marketing / Market Research, Ceramics = Materials, Mathematics & Statistics, Engineering: Mechanical = Mechanics, DVDs = Media, Medical: Pharmaceuticals, Medical: Instruments, Health Care = Med: HC, Medical (general), Iron & Steel = Metallurgy, Metrology, Military / Defense, Gems, Precious Stones, Metals = Mining, Music, Engineering: Nuclear = Nuclear, Nutrition, Paper / Paper Manufacturing, Oil & Gas = Petroleum, Philosophy, Graphic Arts = Photo/Imaging, Physics, Printing & Publishing, Psychology, Land = Real Estate, Religion, Retail, SAP, Science (general), Maritime = Ships, Social Science, Sociology, Ethics, etc., Sports / Fitness / Recreation, Law: Taxation & Customs, Communications = Telecommunications, Clothing = Textiles, Hotels = Tourism, Logistics = Transport, Computers (general), Slang, Names (personal, company), Archaeology, Idioms / Maxims / Sayings, Journalism, Manufacturing, Certificates, Diplomas, Licenses, CVs, Automation & Robotics, Genetics, Patents, Meteorology, Safety

Joachim Kohler
Kľúčové slová: English Translator, French Translator, German Translator, Dutch Translator, Danish Translator, Norwegian Translator, Finnish Translator, Swedish Translator, Polish Translator, Icelandic Translator. See more.English Translator, French Translator, German Translator, Dutch Translator, Danish Translator, Norwegian Translator, Finnish Translator, Swedish Translator, Polish Translator, Icelandic Translator, Portuguese Translator, Italian Translator, Spanish Translator, Maltese Translator, Czech Translator, Russian Translator Estonian Translator, Lithuanian Translator, Latvian Translator, Slovak Translator, Serbian Translator, Slovenian Translator, Albanian Translator, Bosnian Translator, Greek Translator, Hungarian Translator, Bulgarian Translator, Romanian Translator, Croatian Translator, Turkish Translator, Japanese Translator, Chinese Translator, Thai Translator, Vietnamese Translator, Khmer Translator, Lao Translator, Indonesian Translator, Korean Translator, Mongolian Translator. See less.

Posledná aktualizácia profilu
Jan 29, 2015