Eroticism has this in common with an addictive drug: that there is a coercive element to its pleasure with which part of us is in complicity, and part not. Thus ever since time began men have been trying to enjoy eroticism without being destroyed by it. Societies, religions can be defined in the way they deal with this conundrum. Polygamy, monogamy with repression, monogamy with affairs, monogamy with prostitutes, serial monogamy. Not to mention individual solutions of great ingenuity, or desperation: Victor Hugo with the door knocked through the wall of his office, to let in a girl each afternoon. Auden's flair for finding call-boys in every town. Picasso who simply refused when wife and mistress demanded he choose between them. Then there is always the hair-shirt of course. But perhaps the thing to remember when you wake up with a life full of fresh paint and tortuous complications is that eroticism wasn't invented for you, nor merely for the survival of the species perhaps, but for a divinity's entertainment. Nothing generates so many opportunities for titillation and schadenfreude as eroticism. Which is why it lies at the centre of so much narrative. How the gods thronged the balconies of heaven to see the consequences of Helen's betrayal! And your friends are watching too. Your antics have put the shine on many a late-night conversation.
On the borders between mythology and history, that wily survivor Odysseus was the first who learnt to trick the gods. And perhaps his smartest trick of all was that of lashing himself to the mast before the Sirens came in earshot. There are those of course who are happy to stand at the railings, even scan the horizon. Otherwise, choose your mast, find the ropes that suit you: sport, workaholism, celibacy with prayerbook and bell... But the kindest and toughest ropes of all are probably to be found in some suburban semi-detached with rowdy children and a woman who never allows the dust to settle for too long.
| エロチシズムが薬物中毒に通ずる点は、その快楽に対して自分が半ば共犯的でありながら半ばそうではない抗い得ない要素が伴うことである。それ故、開闢以来、人は自らが滅ぼさてしまわぬようにエロチシズムを謳歌してきた。この難題にどのように向き合ってきたかによって、社会、はたまた宗教は、複婚、抑圧された単婚、婚外交鈔を伴う単婚、売春が許容された単婚、連続単婚などと定義することができる。個性的な創意工夫あるいは切望の方策は言うに及ばずである。ヴィクトル・ユーゴーはいつもの午後、書斎の壁をノックさせては若い女性を部屋に招き入れた。オーデンは行く先々でボーイを探し出す才に長けていた。ピカソは妻と愛人がどちらかを選んでくれと懇願したときにそれを一蹴した。そして当然、そこには常に犠牲(苦悩)があるのである。しかしおそらく、順風満帆な現実と込み入った事情の中で目覚めた朝に思い出すべきことは、エロチシズムは自分のために発明されたものではなく、おそらく種の存続のためだけにあるのでもなく、神のいたずらであるということなのだろう。心の痒い部分をくすぐられたり、他人の不幸を喜んだりする出来事に事欠かないことではエロチシズムの右に出るものはない。そのため、あれほど多くの話題の中心にエロチシズムが鎮座しているのである。ヘレネーの裏切りの末路をぜひ見届けようと神々は天国のバルコニーに押し寄せたのだ!隣にいる友人たちの目も節穴ではない。痴態がどれほど多くの夜話に格好の話題を提供し続けてきたことか。
出典: ティム・パークス エッセイ "エロス" |