Translation glossary: Documentaries

Showing entries 1-50 of 4,891
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(así) como suenajust like that/ as simple as that 
Spanish to English
A água dessa piscina é azul cristalina.The water of this pool is crystal blue. 
Portuguese to English
a beautiful spring dayo zi frumoasă de primăvară 
English to Romanian
a bubbly personalityo personalitate efervescentă 
English to Romanian
a calamitous crashun accident devastator 
English to Romanian
a cat is curling up next to youo pisică se încolăcește lângă tine 
English to Romanian
a cat is rubbing against meo pisică se freacă de mine 
English to Romanian
a city linked to the history of coffee consumptione un oraș legat de istoria consumului de cafea 
English to Romanian
a close relativeun pariente cercano 
English to Spanish
a close relativeo rudă apropiată 
English to Romanian
A domani!See you tomorrow! 
Italian to English
a dusty cityun oraș prăfuit 
English to Romanian
a fierce competitorun concurent de temut 
English to Romanian
a figment of imaginationplăsmuire 
English to Romanian
a gifted athleteun atlet înzestrat 
English to Romanian
A giugno, piove giorno dopo giorno.In June, it rains day after day. 
Italian to English
a good-hearted persono persoană bună la suflet 
English to Romanian
a guard of honourgardă de onoare 
English to Romanian
a hard sheet of iceun strat gros de gheață 
English to Romanian
a highly sensitive writerun scriitor foarte sensibil 
English to Romanian
a jet of airun flux de aer 
English to Romanian
a key-eventun eveniment-cheie 
English to Romanian
a legislative proposalo propunere legislativă 
English to Romanian
A luglio mangiamo frutta.In July we eat fruit. 
Italian to English
a major factorun factor decisiv 
English to Romanian
A menudo comemos a las once.We often eat at eleven. 
Spanish to English
A menudo hace frio en noviembre.It is often cold in November. 
Spanish to English
A menudo me levanto a las diez.I often get up at ten. 
Spanish to English
A menudo nieva en el invierno.It often snows in the winter. 
Spanish to English
A menudo te pones esos zapatos.You often put on those shoes. 
Spanish to English
A nosotros nos encanta pasar tiempo en la playa.We love spending time at the beach. 
Spanish to English
A nosotros nos gusta tu regalo.We like your gift. 
Spanish to English
A nosotros nos interesa el arte.We are interested in art. 
Spanish to English
A nosotros nos interesa este negocio.We are interested in this business. 
Spanish to English
a nossa impressoraour printer 
Portuguese to English
a one month trial periodo perioadă de probă de o lună 
English to Romanian
a pillow fighto bătaie cu pernele 
English to Romanian
a prueba de aguawaterproof 
Spanish to English
A qualified technician must always be on hand.Un tehnician calificat trebuie să fie mereu la post. 
English to Romanian
a research centercentru de cercetare 
English to Romanian
a scratched-up hando mână cu zgârieturi 
English to Romanian
a shipwrecked crewun echipaj naufragiat 
English to Romanian
a spur to actionun îndemn la acțiune 
English to Romanian
a strategic location for businesseso poziție strategică pentru afaceri 
English to Romanian
a tape is applied over the jointsse aplică o bandă la îmbinări 
English to Romanian
a thorough evaluationo evaluare meticuloasă 
English to Romanian
A ti no te interesa la música.You are not interested in music. 
Spanish to English
A ti te gusta mirar televisión menos que a mí.You like watching TV less than I do. 
Spanish to English
a toda pruebafully tested 
Spanish to English
a veces es difícilsometimes it is hard 
Spanish to English
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