Glossary entry (derived from question below)
angličtina term or phrase:
slovenčina translation:
Added to glossary by
Maria Chmelarova
Sep 23, 2011 21:14
13 yrs ago
1 viewer *
angličtina term
angličtina -> slovenčina
právo (všeobecne)
Willfulness in Financial Investigation - an American text to be used by our Finance Police as training/learning material. Been considering UMYSEL, ZAMER, UKLADNY CHARAKTER TRESTNEHO CINU... what do you think?
Proposed translations
4 | úklad | Maria Chmelarova |
2 +1 | úmysel | Vladimír Hoffman |
Change log
Sep 25, 2011 13:57: Maria Chmelarova Created KOG entry
Proposed translations
1 hr
niečo nastrojené, majúce škodiť,...vo Vasom texte..
osobne to vidím ako záporný akt
úmysel = zámer, preto dalsia moznost uklad...
osobne to vidím ako záporný akt
úmysel = zámer, preto dalsia moznost uklad...
3 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
21 mins
Tu ale skutočne chýba kontext. Pravdepodobne ide o úmysel, keďže willfully je úmyselne, ale dá sa uvažovať aj o preklade "svojvôľa"
Criminal intent or willfulness is an element in most financial crimes. The investigator must obtain admissible evidence to prove the suspect’s criminal state of mind in carrying out the financial crime.