Glossary entry

angličtina term or phrase:

Camlock coupler

slovenčina translation:

páčková spojka kamlok

Added to glossary by Kristian Madar
Aug 29, 2010 11:30
14 yrs ago
angličtina term

Camlock coupler

angličtina -> slovenčina technika/technológia poèítaèe: softvér Design in Electrical Engi
The MLAs are equipped with a
ANSI 150 lbs. Camlock Coupler
allowing connection to ship‟s flanges

MLA stands for marine loading arm. The arm is loading oil/gas by means of a pipe connected to the ship flange via a camlock coupler

Proposed translations

4 hrs

páčková spojka kamlok

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4 KudoZ points awarded for this answer.
40 mins

prírubový spoj

Všeobecne, zaleží aký typ presne je vo vašom preklade, potom by sa to dalo špecifikovať
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7 hrs

páková rýchlospojka

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