Glossary entry

angličtina term or phrase:

greenhouse effect

slovenčina translation:

skleníkový efekt

Nov 12, 2009 16:57
15 yrs ago
angličtina term

greenhouse effect

GBK angličtina -> slovenčina veda astronómia & vesmír
Definition from
An increase in temperature caused when incoming solar radiation is passed but outgoing thermal radiation is blocked by the atmosphere. Carbon dioxide and water vapor are two of the major gases responsible for this effect.
Example sentences:
Without the greenhouse effect life on this planet would probably not exist as the average temperature of the Earth would be a chilly -18° Celsius, rather than the present 15° Celsius. (
The earth has a natural greenhouse effect due to trace amounts of H20 and CO2 that naturally occur. The enhanced greenhouse effect refers to the augmentation of these natural gases by human activities. (Greenhouse Effect)
Atmospheric water vapour (H2O) also makes a large contribution to the natural greenhouse effect but it is thought that its presence is not directly affected by human activity. (Hong Kong Observatory)
Proposed translations (slovenčina)
4 +2 skleníkový efekt
Change log

Nov 12, 2009 16:08: changed "Kudoz queue" from "In queue" to "Public"

Nov 12, 2009 16:57: changed "Stage" from "Preparation" to "Submission"

Nov 15, 2009 17:57: changed "Stage" from "Submission" to "Completion"

Proposed translations

39 mins

skleníkový efekt

Definition from Energetika:
Plynu spôsobujúce skleníkový efekt sú plynné zložky atmosféry, prírodné aj antropogénne, ktoré absorbujú a znovu vyžarujú infračervené žiarenie.
Example sentences:
atmospheric greenhouse effect (skleníkový efekt atmosféry), (Review of professional terms.)
Peer comment(s):

agree Maria Chmelarova
3 mins
agree Jan Kolesar
1 hr
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