Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Roger McKeon |
User's Guide LazyTerm, the main component of TerminoTrad, is meant to facilitate the consultation of a number of monolingual, bilingual or multilingual dictionaries on line by letting the user enter only once the term to be defined, translated or synonymized, which is then done by clicking the buttons pointing to the various sources of interest.... View more
Computerlexikon und Glossar
Computerlexikon |
Umfangreiches Glossar über Computer
Lexexakt is a free German law dictionary and includes over 4.300 explanations for German law. It includes German-monolingual and English to German sections. Although the latter is announced to be coming soon at the homepage, it seems already up and running.
Dairy cattle glossary
ex-dairypress |
English > Italian glossary on most used dairy cattle terms
Baulexikon online
Bauwerk Verlag |
Erläuterung wichtiger Begriffe des Bauwesens mit Abbildungen German monolingual with pictures.
Spanplatten - particle boards
Glunz AG, Meppen |
Bilingual pages, not a bilingual glossary. Lots of informations about production, qualities and use of particle boards.