Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Dicionário inFormal |
O dicionário de português gratuito para internet, onde as palavras são definidas pelos usuários. Uma iniciativa de documentar on-line a evolução do português. Não deixe as palavras passarem em branco, participe definindo o seu português! Dicionário Online - Dicionário inFormal - Significados, Definições, Sinônimos, Antônimos, Relacionadas, Exemplo... View more
The modern Polish slang website
This dictionary is home to words known as "Playground Slang". It began simply as a collection of "slang" children used in school to describe their world. Over time the school slang collection has expanded to carry well over 3,000 terms including colloquialisms and idioms etc.
Геймерский сленг |Геймерский_сленг
Тут у нас расположился небольшой англо-русский словарик, ибо большинство геймерских терминов в силу обстоятельств и уровня интеллекта игроков есть ни что иное как транслит с английского.
Aviation slang
English-Polish slang dictionary. More than 4 400 terms.
Forex Trading Terms (Categorized): Abvreviations & Accronyms, Economic Indicators, Forex Market Terms, Forex People, Forex Slang Terms, Forex Technical Analysis, Forex Trading Strategies, General Financial Terms, Generic Accounting Term, Historical Terms, Influential People and Organizations, Institutions and Organizations, Insurance Terms, Interna... View more
Dictionary of Sexual Terms - 24 150 terms and expressions, 3 500 quotes, 47 000 synonyms. All the Many-Splendored Things in Between in Teenspeak - Jockspeak - Menglish - Slanglish - Spanglish Gaylese - Americanese - Britspeak - Ozslang - Funetic Populo-Vulgar Speech - T-Shirt & Net Shorthand Pompo-Verbosity & other Figurative Lingos
Почти 1 300 статей.
Drugs street terms (drug slang)
Office of National Drug Control Policy |
The Street Terms database contains over 2,300 street terms that refer to specific drug types or drug activity. The database is used by police officers, parents, treatment providers and others who require a better understanding of drug culture.
Gamer slang
dormetheus |
Learn to Talk to Your Gamer Friends and Family About WoW and Other MMORPGs If you have a friend, spouse, child, or loved one that enjoys playing WoW (World of Warcraft), MMORPGs, or other online games, then these are the words, references, acronyms, and slang that you'll need to understand exactly what their talking about. Now, you can be on the i... View more
Free TERMIUM Plus® (Online resource in French)
Portail Linguistique du Canada | http://www.noslangues-ourlanguages....
TERMIUM Plus®, une des plus grandes banques de données terminologiques et linguistiques au monde, était jusqu'ici réservé aux employés du gouvernement du Canada et aux abonnés. C'est maintenant chose du passé! La population canadienne et les internautes du monde entier peuvent désormais consulter gratuitement ce produit-vedette du Bureau de la trad... View more
Canada/USA idioms, slangs, sayings, colloqialisms
Canada Immigration |
This is a great site for Canadian and American idioms, sayings, colloqialisms, slang. It's from Canada but almost all of it is also used in the USA.
A very good Polish into English slang dictionary. Słownik polskiego slangu z definicjami także po angielsku.
DOCTORS' SLANG, MEDICAL SLANG AND MEDICAL ACRONYMS AND VETERINARY ACRONYMS & VET SLANG These have been mostly collected from the UK and USA, with a few non-English contributions (many thanks to all contributors from around the globe). Some of the acronyms are region-specific and have differing meanings in US and UK. It is noticeable that the US... View more
Slang Terms - (Emergency Room)
ER Headquarters |
Glossary of slang terms used in the TV show ER (also relevant when translating particular medical documents) is a dictionary of slang, webspeak, made up words, and colloquialisms.
The Online Slang Dictionary |
A Collaborative Project: American slang, ghetto slang, gangster slang, and English slang words from around the world
Proforma: die medienagentur |
Cyberslang terms
A collection of Naval slang, abbreviations, legends and historical tit-bits which was originally compiled by Commander A. Covey-Crump, RN, a former Naval Assistant to the Chief of Naval Information. The first edition appeared on 17th May, 1955. It is re-produced here and provides a valuable resource for researchers looking for answers to many histo... View more
Terminology, Jargon, Slang, Vocabulary
Hip-Hop Slang Dictionary
Dynamic Wiki Dictionary (Patrick Atoon) |
The ultimate resource for looking up hip-hop slang
Japanese Sex Slang
Gerard de Nerval, Robinson Mason, Katu.U, digitboy, and Joe |
Explicit content: A glossary of Japanese Sex Slang, often encountered in Hentai.
Dictionary of British<>American English slang.
The American's guide to speaking British.
The seven sections on the left contain over 1000 words and expressions that differ in their usage between the US and the UK
slovenian phrases and slang created by many authors
Vokaboly Software |
Database of over 6000 idioms, proverbs and slang expressions. Searchable in either direction. Examples: "a completely different ball game", "month of Sundays", "nix", "na gut!".
English Idioms Sayings and Slang
Definitions of the rap slang; enriched with cross-links. Explanations include some cultural background. Search possible by subcategories nouns, verbs, adjectives, interjections or geography.
Naval Terminology
USS Rankin |
This glossary lists many of the specialized words used aboard Navy ships. It includes technical terms and nautical slang, plus everyday words with shipboard origins.
Diccionario Americano
D.G. Almiray Jaramillo / America latina |
Caló, indigenismos, juegos y usos regionales del lenguaje. Incluye: palabras desconocidas, sinónimos, frases, abreviaturas, frases idiomáticas.
Dr. Jankowski: Multimedia-Know-How |
Glossar mit Abkürzungen und Begriffserklärungen zum Multimedia-Computerslang.
Der Slang beim Bund
Markus Gansel |
"Dieses bescheidene Wörterbuch soll allen jungen Rekruten helfen, sich schneller im Begriffswirrwar der Bundeswehr zurechtzufinden. Aber auch den daheim gebliebenen Frauen soll es eine Hilfe sein, am Wochenende den Erzählungen ihrer Freunde folgen zu können..."
Indonesian Abbreviation Glossary
Cliffano Subagio |
Funny Indonesian slang abbreviations
The Alternative Dictionaries
Hans-Christian Holm |
Slang, profanities, insults and vulgarisms from all the world. The Alternative Dictionaries are a collection of various forms of "bad language" from many languages. At the moment, there are 2743 entries in 162 dictionaries. This is a collaborative project with contributions from a lot of people.
Also, a 131-page book containing all d... View more
Dictionary of neologisms |
"This website is being developed as a record of new and evolving words and phrases in the English language, with special reference to UK English usage. One of its prime aims is to act as a repository for new words and phrases which are not otherwise listed on the Net - or at least not found by Search Engines. Hence the working title: Dictionary of ... View more
The Alternative Persian Dictionary
The Alternative Persian Dictionary |
Persian slang and slurs as part of the Alternative Dictionaries Project.
This dictionary consists of contributions made by voluntary Internet users. The entries are not guaranteed to be accurate. No responsibility is taken for the content. Although the entries may describe terms that are racist, sexist, blasphemous or derogatory in other wa... View more
perzština (farsí)
perzština (farsí)
perzština (farsí)
perzština (farsí)
American Slang Dictionary
PSCs Corporation |
The American Slang Dictionary
This glossary is located on a personal webpage.
United States Army Air Force Glossary and Abbreviations
USAAF Resource Center | http://www.warbirdsresourcegroup.or...
Terms and abbreviations as well as war slang of USAAF.