Translation Glossaries from the Web
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Краткий терминологический словарь по чрезвычайным ситуациям
Комитет по чрезвычайным ситуациям и гражданской обороне при Правительстве Республики Таджикистан |
Переработанный и адаптированный от понятийно-терминологического словаря под общей редакцией Ю.Л. Воробьева.
Русский толковый словарь по биоинформатике |
Словарь по биоинформатике с толкованиями на русском языке.
English-Russian glossary of terms related to the Glossary of Terms related to the Promotion of International Cooperation to Combat Illicit Financial Flows in Order to Foster Sustainable Development.
Глоссарий государственного управления финансами
Public Expenditure Management Peer Assisted Learning network (PEMPAL) |
Настоящий Глоссарий призван предоставить практикующим специалистам в области управления государственными финансами (PFM) в регионе PEMPAL глоссарий и объяснение ключевых терминов и концепций. Целью является создание условий для согласованного подхода при использовании терминологии, а также, чтобы обеспечить достоверный перевод терминологии. Глосса... View more
In its work programme for 2005 the European Training Foundation (ETF) included a glossary presenting the Russian language version of key terms used in European vocational education and training (VET) policy. The aim of the project was to support cooperation with ETF partner countries in the framework of the European Neighbourhood Policy and EU deve... View more
Trade Facilitation Terms. An English-Russian-Chinese Glossary. Revised third edition
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the China National Institute of Standardization |
The United Nations Economic Commission for Europe (UNECE), the Eurasian Economic Commission, and the China National Institute of Standardization, working with other partners, teamed up to develop this revised third edition of the Glossary of trade facilitation terms, including for the first time the Chinese translation of the terms, to become an En... View more
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
Polish-English Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing (Słownik wyraŜeń związanych z testowaniem)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
English-Norwegian Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing (Terminologi for test av programvare)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
English-French Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing (Glossaire CFTL/ISTQB des termes utilisés en tests de logiciels)
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (Comité Français des Tests Logiciels) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
Standard glossary of terms used in Software Testing
International Software Testing Qualifications Board (ISTQB) |
In compiling this glossary the working party has sought the views and comments of as broad a spectrum of opinion as possible in industry, commerce and government bodies and organizations, with the aim of producing an international testing standard which would gain acceptance in as wide a field as possible. Total agreement will rarely, if ever, be a... View more
Стандартный глоссарий терминов, используемых в тестировании программного обеспечения
International Software Testing Qualifications Board |
При создании этого глоссария рабочая группа изучила варианты, комментарии и всевозможные мнения представителей промышленности, коммерции и правительственных органов и организаций с целью создать международный стандарт тестирования, который будет принят как можно большим количеством областей. Полное понимание вряд ли, если вообще когда-нибудь, может... View more
Англо-русский толковый глоссарий венчурного предпринимательства
Российская ассоциация венчурного инвестирования |
Цель предлагаемого Глоссария, содержащего около 1800 толкований терминов и расшифровок аббревиатур, – помочь преодолеть трудности общения в областях венчурного бизнеса и IPO. В нем собраны термины, наиболее часто употребляющиеся среди бизнесменов и представителей сообщества прямых инвестиций и венчурного капитала. Глоссарий может быть полезен кажд... View more
Short explanatory dictionary on the theory and practice of election observation.
Eskalada Hiztegia, trilingual climbing glosary.
Rodrigo Artiles Uriarte |
English-Basque-Spanish climbing glosary, ranging from materials to techniques, disciplines and rock types.
При составлении использованы материалы, опубликованные на разных общедоступных источниках и официальных сайтах производителей бытовой техники и электроники.
Словарь по инженерной геологии
Семенов Р.М., Имаев В.С. |
Словарь построен на основании курса "Инженерной геологии" таким образом, что в него включены те термины, понятия, определения, формулировки и т.п., которые упоминаются в этом курсе. При написании Словаря использованы как ранее изданные справочники и словари, так и вышедшие из печати в последнее время. Основные из них приведены в списке использов... View more
English-Spanish glossary of gastronomy terms & definitions for cooking methods, international foods and menues, fruits, vegetables, seafood, fish, types of berries, herbs, seasoning and condiments.
Diccionario de anglicismos del español estadounidense
Francisco Moreno-Fernández | http://cervantesobservatorio.fas.ha...
Este diccionario no se presenta como una obra definitiva. La propia naturaleza de los datos aquí consignados, procedentes en gran parte de la lengua hablada, impide que un trabajo así se ofrezca en una versión cerrada. Antes bien, estas páginas se consideran materiales parciales de un proyecto en marcha, susceptibles de ser completados, actualizado... View more
Ceci est la troisième version complète du "Dictionnaire des Sciences Animales" mise sur Internet. Elle comporte 31945 articles sur des mots et expressions concernant les animaux, ou en rapport avec les animaux tels leurs écosystèmes (particulièrement la flore méditerranéenne) et leur élevage, et 13618 photos ou dessins.
low-slung public housing
Jhoana Garcia |
"A short, low-slung silencer helps give the Versys excellent mass centralisation". "El silencioso corto y bajo el motor, proporciona a la Versys una excelente centralización de masas".
DOTTORI COMMERCIALISTI LONDRA Ltd | http://www.dottoricommercialistilon...
Online englesko-hrvatski riječnik s najvažnijim pojmovima
The Vend retail dictionary: 50 terms every modern retailer needs to know. Need to keep up with the trends and technologies making an impact in retail today? We’ve got you covered. This resource keeps you up to date with all the terms, concepts, and trends that are powering modern retail.
Il "Vocabolarietto rumantsch gnschun/talian" e redatto nella lingua standard ("rumantsch gnschun') e non in uno dei cinque idiomi retoromanci (Retoromanisch).
مسرد بالمصطلحات المستخدمة في امتحان شهادة المحاسب اإلداري المعتمد
Association of Accountants and Financial Professionals in Business |
Glossary of terms used in the CPA Exams
Gosario de términos contables
Eoa Economics on line |
The glossary offers a wide variety of terms. I consider it very useful for basic information.
vegetables name
mahesh kumar |
Trading glossary
Терминологический глоссарий по снижению риска бедствий
UNISDR (United Nations Office for Disaster Risk Reduction) |
(pages 36-38) UNISDR develop these basic definitions on disaster risk reduction to promote a common understanding on the subject for use by the public, authorities and practitioners. The terms are based on a broad consideration of different international sources. Feedback from specialists and other practitioners to improve these definitions will b... View more
Glossaire Anglais - Français de la microfinance
CIRAD (Centre de coopération internationale en recherche agronomique pour le développement) et GRET |
Le glossaire de la microfinance a une entrée alphabétique : il comprend la traduction de l’anglais vers le français (et du français vers l’anglais) de plus de 1500 termes spécifiques de la microfinance. Les principaux domaines techniques couverts sont la comptabilité/gestion, la finance et l’audit adaptés aux institutions de microfinance, ainsi ... View more
Краткий словарь терминов
A.M. Podlesov |
Краткий словарь терминов Источник:
glossary of aviation terms
Glossary mechatronics: Fachwoerter-Definitionen in deutscher Sprache KOSTENLOSE TEXTAUSZUEGE (LESEPROBE) Zu bestellen unter: Lernpaket Mechatroniker und Elektroniker. ISBN 3000215891 1x CD-ROM Technisches Woerterbuch für Mechatroniker; Englisch-Deutsch / German-English + 1x ... View more
ITIL 용어 및 약어집 (한글 용어집) 2011년 7월 기준
AXELOS Limited |
2011년 7월 29일 영국의 AXELOS사가 발간한 IT 관련 용어집으로 IT 서비스의 일반적인 용어들이 담겨 있음. 영문과 한글이 함께 풀이되어서 이해하기 쉬움. ITIL 영문 용어집은 2007년 5월에 초판 발행(저자: HP사의 Ashley Hanna, Stuart Rance)되었고, 2011년 7월 이를 갱신함(저자: HP사의 Ashley Hanna). 한글판 용어집 제작에는 전체적인 진행 책임을 맡아 초안을 작성한 동국대 황경태 교수님, 용어집의 품질 보증을 위해 초안을 검토하고 수정 의견을 제시한 코오롱베니트 박남수님, 한국품질재단 강성수님의 수고로 번역 완료됨. * 본 자료는 무료로 배포되고... View more
Glossário Inglês-Português de Estatística
Comissão da SPE (Comissão Especializada de Nomenclatura Estatística) e Comissão da ABE |
Esta edição do Glossário Inglês-Português de Estatística é uma adaptação do TiddlyWiki (© 2011 UnaMesa) e foi elaborada por Paulo Soares. A aplicação contém ainda código original ou derivado dos seguintes autores: Eric Shulman, FND, Jack Killpatrick, Saq Imtiaz e Simon Baird.
Textiles Intelligence
Textiles Intelligence |
glossary of various textiles and fabrics
Glosario de términos notariales
Consejo General del Notariado |
Extensive glossary of notarial terms (Spanish - Spanish).
Political terms, DE>EN
Emal Ghamsharick |
Glossary created during translation of a party program.