Translation Glossaries from the Web
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More than 2,000 French expressions, including idiomatic expressions, proverbs, phrasal verbs, and French formulas. Expressions are arranged alphabetically by the first word in the French expression, not including articles
dictionnaire d'autrefois
The Project for American and French Research on the Treasury of the French Language (ARTFL) of the University of Chicago |
search engine which contains collection of French - French 16th to the 20th century terms. Sources include the Dictionarium latinogallicum, Dictionaire historique et critique, and Thresor de la langue françoyse.
Equality Rights Glossary / Glossaire des droits de la personne
New Brunswick Human Rights Commission / Commission des droits de la personne du Nouveau-Brunswick |
This link is to the English site: Alphabetical listing of human rights terms in English, equivalent in French, English definition. A link is provided to the French language page with French definitions.
this is a French dictionary providing you with french words definitions and is linked to the French Académie Nationale, as such all words not included ARE NOT FRENCH which is important as many translators (esp. Canadians) tends to anglicise the French language.
Great site to help you understand what a game is like, find links to other websites for the same game, understand buttons and moves, tactics. Games are previewed before they go on sale, tests are done after games come out on the market (usually within the first week) and forums can be helpful if you don't understand certain actions, or buttons. F... View more
PHP database with A-Z index. 4000 entries. "The objective of the Dictionary, which was produced as part of the process of standardizing French common law vocabulary, is essentially to expand the use of uniform terminological solutions. More specifically, the Dictionary is intended to provide methods of expressing concepts that are unique to the com... View more