The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

švédčina -> angličtina hudba Translation Glossary

švédčina term angličtina translation
(digitalt) tryckunderlag (digital) print file
Entered by: Helen Johnson
att äska röster to ask for votes; to request votes
äger (context) come
örhänge Hit
Bonnarock country rock, hillbilly rock
Entered by: Tania McConaghy
briljera med tävlingens stadgar show off your knowledge of the rules of the competition
brukspiano Piano as a chord instrument/piano chords
byta rätt av do a straight swap
distade distorted
för Er räkning on your behalf
foajévärdinna usherette
går runt jämt not always make ends meet
Entered by: David Rumsey
gehör ear training
genomföring repeat
gullvivskrans primrose wreath
influtna inflow from (sales revenue)
Konferensvärd conference host
mässanden chanting
Entered by: David Rumsey
Mojo-aktig Mojo-inspired
Entered by: Diarmuid Kennan
Norrskens tända bål The flames of the northern lights
omfattande coda extensive coda
playback playback
PV Volvo PV
snudd på habilt just short of competent OR just shy of professional
spelglädje joy of playing
Entered by: Tania McConaghy
titlarna baletten the titles in the ballet
tryckfilm print film
Entered by: Helen Johnson
utföranderättsersättning Performance royalties
vilket ben han skall stå på which way to turn
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