The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

švédčina -> angličtina právo: zmluva(y) Translation Glossary

švédčina term angličtina translation
ärende- och beslutsordning case-handling and decision-making process
Entered by: dmesnier
"20% av pensionsmedfoerande loen i intervallen 7.5 basbelopp intill 20 basbelopp 20% of pensionable salary in the range 7.5 up to 20 Swedish basic amounts
...som leverantören i sådana frågor sparar gentemot säljaren. ...that the supplier in such issues is answerable to the seller
...till upphörande vid det kalenderarsskifte give notice of termination (to terminate clauses...) expiring at the end of the year
Abbreviation e.ö. enligt överenskommelse (probably)
Ackord vs. Ackordslag piece work pay; piece work team
Entered by: Lars Palmer
affarsmässighet business-like approach
aktstycke document section
allmänna villkor general terms and conditions, contractual terms
anbudsstöd (entire sentence) assistance for tender
andrahandsavtal sub-agreement; secondary agreement
anmälningsärende notifiable matter or point of order
anmärkningsskrift notice of objection (written objection)
Anställdas egenhandel employees' trading for own account
ansvarig beställare person responsible for ordering
Entered by: David Young
arrendeavtal lease agreement (litteral translation)
artikelbundet contract relating to the sale of goods
att säga upp avtalet till upphörande dagen cancel the contract from the day before
avdragsutrymme relief; allowance; deductibility
Entered by: Helen Johnson
aviseringsadress billing address
Entered by: Kristina Thorne
avluckring tilling
avräkning på skadeståndet on account of damages
Entered by: dmesnier
Avrop/avropa Call-off/ call off
Avropare The person making a call-off order
Avropsförfrågan call-off enquiry
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
Avtal om allmänna antällningsvillkor Avtal om allmänna antällningsvillkor
avtala om någons rätt enter into an agreement concurring in/affirming/ someone's right
avtalsfästa contractual
Entered by: Helen Johnson
Avtalsförhållande contractual relationship
avtalskonstruktion contract structure
avtalsspärren the standstill period; the prohibition against concluding contracts (for a certain period)
avtalsvillkoret contract condition
avvikande deltagande absent (required) participant
Entered by: Deane Goltermann
á-priser unit prices
ångerrätt right of withdrawal
återgång av prestation reversal of performance
Entered by: Rosica Dimitrova
åtgårcler measures, steps (i.e. "åtgärder")
överlåta transfer
överuttag leave taken in excess of entitlement
”Bygghandling/Montageritning/Arbetsritning/Besiktningsritning... construction document, assemby document, working drawing, inspection drawing (or plan)
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