The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

španielčina -> angličtina výživa Translation Glossary

španielčina term angličtina translation
...da la palatabilidad a las comidas... makes food palatable
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
acrecentar la capacidad de discernir a otros niveles más amplios increase the ability to think on a higher plane
aliñado bakery margarine
Alimentarte para Potenciarte Power Eating, eating yourself fit, eating smart for a healthy start, eating yourself fitter
Entered by: Mónica Algazi
Alimentos energéticos, plásticos y reguladores energy-giving, body-building and protective / maintenance foods
alimentos integrales whole foods
aminoacidos de cadena ramificada branch chain amino acids
Aniquila el colesterol Combat cholesterol
apertura de servicio willingness to provide service/service-oriented attitude
aromatizante aromatizer
azúcar común table sugar
batea de víveres de primera necesidad food (aid) basket
Bocata (colloquial term for "bocadillo") Baguette sandwich
brocheta de frutas al sabor de canela y helado de vainilla cinnamon-flavo(u)red fruit skewers/kebabs with vanilla ice cream
Canta Victoria Conquer your Goal!
capacidad de unirse a los metales ability to bind with metals
cazuela de espinacas y ricota spinach and ricotta casserole
cepa de fermento culture strain
Entered by: keelin feeney
cepas de bacterias strains of bacteria
Entered by: Sheila Hardie
chauchas green bean
chauchas sin hilos ni porotos green beans with strings and pods removed
clasificación nutricional nutritional breakdown
cocida al calor seco y con productos de tostación cooked by dry heat and with roasting products
corrugado corrugated cardboard
corte abdominal waist circumference optimal cutoff point / abdominal circumference optimal cutoff point
corte de carne cut of meat
Entered by: Karina Pelech
cremitas porridges
dando menor saciedad providing less of a feeling of satiety
de difícil digestión para el páncreas difficult for the pancreas to digest
depositos de reservas storage of reserves
desinflamar la mucosa fight/reduce inflammation of the mucosa
dieta diferida temporary fast
el páncreas no se agota without stressing the pancreas
en grano entero o arrollada whole or rolled
esparcible alto en grasa 100% palma high fat 100% palm oil spread
espirulina spirulina
estabilizantes y espesantes stabilizers and thickeners
falta de ingestión absoluta complete lack of food intake
forma de vida way of life//lifestyle
frutas secas nuts
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