The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

portugalčina -> angličtina športy / fitnes / oddych Translation Glossary

portugalčina term angličtina translation
resolveu ir para as quedas took the fight to the floor
"dobradinha" one-two finish
Entered by: Brigith Guimarães
"fazer embaixadinhas / embaixadas" (football) juggling/to juggle the ball
"mando de campo" home advantage / home field
a barra livre apoiada nas costas segura pelas mão The free bar supported by their back, held by their hands
a base youth academy / youth league
a seguinte à seleccao principal second to the main team
A seleção brasileira chegou a semi-final por cavar faltas ou por pura sorte! The Brazilian team made it to the semifinals by drawing fouls or by pure luck
ACESSO admission
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
afundanços dunks
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
agachamento livre free-weight squat/squatting
Entered by: liz askew
agente desportivo team personnel
Entered by: Marcelo González
agremiações de judô judo associations
alavancagem [financial] leverage
alívio clear
aliciamento tapping up
alvado (tênis) service box (tennis)
antiginástica antigymnastics
Apito encarnado Red whistle (football)
aptidão corporal physical fitness
aquacidade aquaticity
arbitrais discussions
Entered by: Martin Riordan
arquibancada arquibancada => grandstand(s)..stands
Entered by: airmailrpl
Última partida do quadrangular last match of the group stage
aspirantes hopefulls
assumir a liderança took the lead
Entered by: Tissot
atacante striker
atendido o pressuposto de normalidade dos dados once the data normality prerequisite was met
Entered by: airmailrpl
ausência de destreinamento de ex-atletas absence/lack of winding down /tapering off of the training routine for former atheletes
árbitros de judo judo referees
égua stoppie
Entered by: Douglas Bissell
“gol contra” own goal
Entered by: airmailrpl
balneários shower/changing rooms
banco reto flat bench
barra da camisa (front / rear) lower shirt
bate-rebate (goalmouth) scramble
bater colocado no ângulo shot at the top corner
bater uma falta por cima da barreira ...hitting a free kick over the wall and taking the keeper by surprise
Benemerência Atlética distinguished athlete award
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