The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

portugalčina -> angličtina právo: dane & clá Translation Glossary

portugalčina term angličtina translation
caráter solidário (even) on a solidary basis/out of solidarity ...
legislacao societaria brasileira Brazilian corporate law
"Declarar" (algo) no imposto de renda to report
"Do Foro" Court of Jurisdiction/Having Jurisdiction
"revistido das formalidades" ratified OR supported OR substantiated by the formalities ...
(reclamações) graciosas cost-free administrative procedure for objecting against a tax assessment (vs. recourse to the courts by judicial review)
...Delegacia de Julgamento. Judgement commission, Judgment office
2ª Turma Ordinária 2nd regular panel
a empresa beneficia-se the company has (certain special tax) benefits
A favor/ A entregar amount due taxpayer/amount owed by taxpayer
abono de firmas signature verifications
absorção de prejuízos absorption of losses
Entered by: Martin Riordan
Acordos de Partilha de Custos Cost-Sharing Agreements
acrescimos patrimoniais (Br) financial benefits accruing
Acto Isolado em IVA One-off transaction subject to VAT
Entered by: Catarina Aleixo
adjudicação de bens adjudication of assets
afectação real allowable tax deductions
afectar levied upon
afilhado civil foster child
Entered by: Todd Field
Afloramentos sobre a responsabilidade tributária Considerations on tax liability...
Entered by: airmailrpl
agente de representação representative agent
Agravante Appellant
agravo interno Interlocutory appeal
ajuizar execução de dívida ativa to assert/demand the execution of an outstanding/active/receivable debt
alegados até a impugnação Claimed until the appeal
Alimendtandos Other persons receiving support
Entered by: Michael Kowalewski
Alimentando alimony beneficiaries
aplicador enforcer
apropriação de créditos appropriation of tax credits
apuração de ICMS determination of ICMS
Apuração em Dívida Líquida (the results) Ascertained/ determined/ established/ as Net Debt
apuração por pauta calculation based on the customs tariff
armazém afiançado bonded warehouse
armazéns de regime aduaneiro bonded warehouses
arquivo magnético magnetic file
Arquivo matricial land registry
arrematante de mercadoria importada e apreendida winning bidder on imported and seized goods
Entered by: airmailrpl
atividades que as empresas estão enquadradas operational activities
Autada notified (OR booked) party
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