The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

portugalčina -> angličtina antropológia Translation Glossary

portugalčina term angličtina translation
antídoto do mal The antidote to evil
apresentação preface
auto-afirmação étnica (right to) assert their own ethnic identity
Banzas e Sobados Banzas and Sobados
Classe C Lower-middle class
Entered by: Tissot
Cumprir Promessa To fulfil a vow (made to a saint)
Entered by: Carla Selyer
dotadores e dotados dowry givers and receivers/dowry givers and dowry receivers
Entered by: Margarida Ataide
em dar continuidade ao to continue with
etnografada ethnographically studied/analysed/described
expressões individuais de fala expressions of speech
extrativistas extractivists
Família do Sul Southern Family
grande comunidade brasileira de cultura e língua basicamente européias (...within) the larger Brazilian community of essentially European culture and language
Imagens de cura healing images
indústria lítica lascada e polida knapped and polished stone (flint) industry
jagunço henchman
Entered by: Ana Vozone
kairós kairos (moment)
luta contra o arbítrio Fight/struggle against arbitrariness
máscara de arame wire mask
Modelagem e análise de fatores influentes na gravidez na adolescência na microrr model(l)ing and analysis of factors influencing teenage pregnancy...
na alfabetização in the teaching of basic literacy
Nambikwara do Norte North Nambikwara
O interesse suscitado pelas obras... The interest generated by the works...
parente kin
parentescos por brincadeira joking relationships
Entered by: Todd Field
que inclui o ilícito, o ilegal including that which is illicit, illegal, ...
relação de servientes/patrões master-servant relationship
ressemantizando (is being) given a new meaning/reinterpreted/resemanticised
se deslocarem they continue to move from place to place around/within the...
se exterminam die
segundo ele mesmo afirma according to his words/his own words
tipitis tool for pressing (manioc (pulp)) OR manioc press
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