The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

taliančina -> angličtina doprava / preprava / expedícia Translation Glossary

taliančina term angličtina translation
fattura pro forma pro forma invoice
"a portale" portal-type/ panels-type
"sbm" and "sbm hp" farina di soia convenzionale
Entered by: Ivana UK
(isolamento) verso terra earthing or grounding
...andare alla fonda... lying at anchor
Entered by: Andrea Cingolani
...passeggiate..... gangway
Entered by: Andrea Cingolani
...spiaggetta... aft 'beach' deck
Entered by: Andrea Cingolani
..prendisole.. sun deck
Entered by: Andrea Cingolani
/cda preservation copy/ archive copy /file copy
a catene portanti load bearing chain (conveyor)
Entered by: Maria Luisa Dell'Orto
a favore di chi è costituito beneficiary of the right (in context)
a livello di singolo Disegno in terms of each individual design
a sei lunghezze di cavo at six cable lengths
a valle downstream
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
abitabilità (in context) comfort (in context)
Acquistare validità oraria After confirmation/verification the tickets will be valid for an hour
ad andamento trasversale e sub centrale crossing the city beneath its center
Entered by: Kate Chaffer
al comando della nave at the helm of the ship
alimentazione (in context) electric power supply/fuelling (context)
Allestimenti veicoli Vehicle customizations
allestimento fitting-out
allestimento/disallestimento bagagli baggage packing/unpacking
Altezza del pavimento dal p.d.f. in o.d.m. Height of floor from top of rail
altezza massima sul piano del ferro maximum height over rail (head)
Ammiraglio comandante della squadra Vice Admiral (OF-8)
Ammiraglio Comandante di Commando Complesso (Admiral)... Chief of Joint Operations
Anagrafe degli esecutori operators\' register
Entered by: EirTranslations
annotazione di trascrizione recording of /entry of
ante - operam before the construction work
antenna feeder lines/feeders
Entered by: Graham Clarke
Apparati Centrali Computerizzati (ACC) computer based interlocking
Apparati di Stazione e/o Garitta di tipo ACC/ACC-M CBI (computer-based interlocking) system unit for a station or sentry box
Entered by: EirTranslations
appoggiarsi a relies on/ uses/ works with
Entered by: Silvia Prendin
apporre riserva notify details of any damage
arco (ramo stradale) link road/ stretch of road
area varco transit area
Entered by: Paul O'Brien
armadio di elettronica di governo control (electronics) cabinet
Entered by: Franco Rigoni
asse altopadano motorway along the Po valley
Entered by: William Murphy
asse stradale road
Entered by: Tom in London
assetto ruote assetto vettura wheel balance/alignment - car stability
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