The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

taliančina -> angličtina reality Translation Glossary

taliančina term angličtina translation
complessiva a corpo all-inclusive
Entered by: Tom in London
immobili di buona tenuta commerciale marketable or saleable properties
la loro intenzione si è formata they made their decision
Entered by: Lara Barnett
pascolo di 1^ Grade 1 pastureland
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
"locazione e/o comodato oneroso d’uso una tantum" one-off lease and/or rental
Entered by: Jo Macdonald
"ml" linear meters
"signorile" vs. "di pregio" mansion (or exclusive/luxury) vs. quality (home)
(Condizioni di Consegna) al Rustico (delivery conditions) as a Shell
Entered by: Sarah Weston
- sezione urbana LUR - urban section, Regionale Planning Law
00.UU. Urban Infrastructure Works
Entered by: EirTranslations
a più lati common to multiple sides
a seguito di CE a seguito di Concessione Edilizia > pursuant to a building permit
Entered by: Isabelle Johnson
abitazione non di lusso non-luxury dwelling/housing
abitazioni economiche low-cost dwellings
Entered by: Tom in London
accatastamenti cadastral registry
Entered by: EirTranslations
accesa in partita opened in the (cadastral) number
accessioni accessions
Entered by: Howard Sugar
ACQUE FONDIARIO watercourses on the land
acquisto a corpo e non a misura purchase at fixed price and not based on area
ad esigerlo o a dichiararlo già esatto to claim such or declare such already claimed
Entered by: Lara Barnett
ad infringendum opposing/by opposing (in this context)
affitti precari malis doubful rent in arrears
Entered by: James (Jim) Davis
affrancazione Method of acquisition/Method of purchasing/buying
Agenzia del Territorio Agenzia del Territorio\"(Land Registry Office)
ai sensi e per gli effetti.. pursuant to and in accordance with...
albo mediatori creditizi register of credit brokers
Entered by: Ivana UK
alienazioni traslative o costitutive disposals by conveyance or ('assent') by returning property to the rightful owners
allacciamenti connections to utilities
all’assistenza dei testimoni in the presence of the (following) witnesses
Entered by: EirTranslations
allo stato dei luoghi (faithfully) represent the condition of the real estate
Ambiti di riserva a trasformabilità vincolata restricted use area
Entered by: EirTranslations
Ambito di Pianificazione Attuativa in istruttoria Operational planning zone currently subject to approval
annessi accessori attached incidentals
annessi e connessi appendages
annesso agricolo outbuilding
Entered by: Gina Ferlisi
appartamenti di testata end unit apartments
appartamento per custode Caretaker's apartment
appezzamento di terreno distinto al plot of land registered under/at
Entered by: Linda Thody
Are 14, Ca 90 1,400m2, 90m2 or square meters
are 57 ca. 60 57 ares 60 centiares
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