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taliančina -> angličtina medicína: kardiológia Translation Glossary

taliančina term angličtina translation
cavo polmonare totale extracardiaca TECPC, Total Extracardiac Cavopulmonary Connection
ID ischemic (dilated) cardiomyopathy
s.l. sublingual (spray)
(addome) respirante normal movement with respiration
a 12 derivazioni twelve-lead [electrocardiogram]
a carico di RI / DA Nativa involving the native LAD / ramus intermedius (RI)
a carico di vasi esili in thin vessels
a f.c. heart rate
a livello della riabitazione distale at the distal rehabitation (repatency) site
A. / AA. Autori> Authors
A.C.C. C.A.
ACC da FV cardiac arrest due to VF
accelerazione transistimica acceleration across the isthmus
Entered by: liz askew
Accettabile il compenso Patient well compensated
Entered by: Elene P.
ad esordio acuto with acute onset
Entered by: liz askew
ADB SSU (short stay unit)
Entered by: Michael Meskers
ai limiti superiori/inferiori di norma at the upper / lower limits of normal
alterazioni diffuse [diffuse] changes
ambulatorio di cardiologia Cardiology outpatient clinic
Entered by: liz askew
anastomosi a becco di flauto bevelled anastomosis
anastomosi in T-T T-T anastomosis
andamenti stenotici stenosis progression
angor without chest pain / free from angina
ao-coronarico aortocoronary
aorta addominale sottorenale subrenal abdominal aorta
Entered by: BristolTEc
Aorta tubular tubular portion of the aorta
Entered by: liz askew
area iperecogena sottocorticale periventricolare omolaterale hyperdense subcortical periventricular area ipsilaterally
aritmia sopraventricolare supraventricular arrhythmia
arresto sinusale momentaneo temporary sinus arrest
artefatto da movimento movement artifact
Arteropatia Obliterante Arti Inferiori II B, in pz. operato Obliterative arteriopathy of/affecting the Lower Limbs/Lower Extremities stage II B, in an operated patient
Entered by: Lamprini Kosma
AS Left Atrium
Entered by: Jo Macdonald
asse indifferente normal axis
assetto lipidico lipid profile
assi systems
assi iliaco-femorali iliofemoral vessels/arteries
AT AT (anaerobic threshold)
atipie [here] (ventricular repolarization) abnormalities
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