The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

francúzština -> angličtina fyzika Translation Glossary

francúzština term angličtina translation
en ménageant radialement radially leaving
une parasite supérieure à 70 %, porosity beyond/greater than 70%
Entered by: liz askew
"en posant" if we assume
Entered by: Maria Popescu
action quantique de lumière quantum effect of light
acuité du pic sharpness of the peak
Entered by: Maria Popescu
angle solide de visée solid angle
autoporteur puck
Entered by: Didier Fourcot
émittance emittance
battement de fréquences frequency beating
boustrophédon back-and-forth/two-way
Entered by: liz askew
calage adjustment
cale gauge block
caloporteur heat transfer
canon optique pulsed laser source
CEG caractéristique éléctrique génerale > general electrical specification
cliché printing plate
cloche acoustique/enceinte acoustique acoustic surround/enclosure
comportements originaux unusual behaviors
consigne set-point
Entered by: Maria Popescu
coque cylindrique de révolution generally cylindrical body of revolution
couteaux de droite right-hand blades
décalage Doppler Doppler effect/shift
Déglaceur De-icing unit / de-icer
Détecteur d’impulsions pulse detector
De manière connue en soi, In a manner which is per se known
degré hygrométrique vs humidité relative both = relative humidity (RH)
descentes de courant amovibles power down-lead
diffusion optical scattering and charge exchange
dispositif de microbalance à élément oscillant an oscillating element microbalance
dispositif semiconducteur intégré de modulation de lumière ultrarapide integrated semiconductor device for extra-high-speed light modulation
Entered by: Tony M
distribution en taille distribution according to size
dose absorbée dose absorbed (by the human body)
Entered by: AkretcheFazia
effort global overall force
encombrement bulk
envelopper, enveloppe verbe: to envelop; n: envelope
filet liquide liquid trickle
Focalisation focusing
fond d’échelle full-scale value
Fond de puits well-bottom
fonds « vivants » live bottom
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