The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

francúzština -> angličtina medicína: farmaká Translation Glossary

francúzština term angličtina translation
croisillons X braces or diagonal bracing
défauthèque defect library
plaques intercalaires layer pads or divider sheets
autorisation d’ouverture authorisation/authorization to open
en dégénérescence degenerating
fléchage allocation of costs
LOSC LOSC Local on Scene Coordinator
Me. Ma. Sté Inter, Thesis for Master's in International Health (MIH) / Master's of International Health (MIH
status post infarctus myocardique avec fraction d’éjection réduite ; status post myocardial infarction with low ejection fraction
V.F. glucosé, sérum, Viande foie - meat liver (agar)
"1 glissée librement dans l'étui du flacon" "1 placed/inserted in the bottle's container"
"Les pays du Sud" The Third World/Developing Countries/the South
(effet) volumateur plumping (effect)
Entered by: Victoria Porter-Burns
(se substituer un tiers) dans le bénéfice to have a third party benefit from this personal clause in the contract
(un) antalgique analgesic (OU antalgic/analgetic)
...analyse de la variance en mésures répétées Analysis of Variance (ANOVA) for repeated measurements fait la répartition ... the final containers are filled
1 dilution au 1/2 a two-fold dilution
100% d\'origine tracée 100% documented origin
1ère image de Pay-Back à l’extérieur the first visual interface of Payback for the outside world
1ere licence (Belgium) 1st licence (Belgium)
Entered by: Yolanda Broad
1mCi 1 millicurie
a partir de la pharmacopée on travaille le surnageant (quid de la validation... from the pharmacopea you work on the supernatant (what about validation of recovery?)
a Patm At atmospheric pressure
AAM (drug registration) marketing authorisation
Abbreviation: GAJ glycémie à jeun
Entered by: Michael Davies
abstraction faite de ... leaving aside / quite apart from
Entered by: Tony M
AC; articles de conditionnement packaging components
accès de sommeil d'apparition soudaine Sudden onset of sleep (SOS), sudden onset sleeping attacks/bouts
accident cardiovasculaire / accident vasculaire cérébrale cardiovascular accident / Stroke
accident vasculaire thromboembolique thromboembolic stroke
accidents cutanéo-muqueux skin and mucosal events/side effects
Entered by: Hervé du Verle
accompagnement de l’innovation The way forward to accompany [industry-led] innovation/how to accompany [industry-led] innovation/
Entered by: liz askew
accouchement par voie vaginale basse vaginal delivery
accréditant giving CME credits
accumulateur tissulaire growth enhancement (or increased rate of weight gain)
acide parabutoxyphenylacetidroxamique parabutoxyphenylacetohydroxamic acid
acquisition d'un spectre PIR de chaque échantillon individuel Acquisition/recording of an NIR spectrum of each individual sample
action philopeustialytique psychodysleptique -> psychodysleptic activity
acutisé which has developed into / progressed to
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