The KudoZ open glossary is a browsable glossary of terms translated via the KudoZ term help network.

angličtina -> latinčina ustálené slovné spojenia / maximy / príslovia a porekadlá Translation Glossary

angličtina term latinčina translation
always and forever young hearted Semper et in aeternum animo iuvenis
Brothers and Sister in Blood and Fire fratres et sorores sanguine ignique
Death is worth living, love is worth waiting Vita digna est ut vivatur, amor dignus ut exspectetur
From love comes life ex amore vita
Greeks speak with their tongues; Romans with their hearts. Graeci linguis loquuntur, Romani cordibus.
If you are going to doubdt or question anything question your own limitations si de aliqua re ambigis vel dubitas, dubita de finibus tuis
In wine as in life, get the most out of it you can! Carpe diem... et vinum!
infinite love amor infinitus
love for the creation amor creationis/amor in creationem
More and more/(ADJ)-er and (ADJ)-er quanto...tanto/quo...hoc
Nothing in Moderation. nihil moderate
one life to live una vita vivenda
That which does not kill me,will only make me stronger quod non me destruit, me nutrit
Entered by: Kirill Semenov
The Times, They Are A-Changin' tempora mutantur (tempora mutantur, nos et mutamur in illis)
There is no death, only a change of worlds Mors non est, tantum mutatio mundi
think positive puta affirmative
time casus/tempus
to fulfill potential quam maxime facere/agere/valere
unconditional love forever amor absolutus in aeternum
water, earth, air, fire aqua, terra, aer, ignis
Whatever shall be shall be, the future's not ours to see Quodcumque fiet, fiet. Non nobis est tempus futurum videre.
With a sword he looks for easy repose under liberty ensepetit placidam sublibertate quietem: with the sword she seeks calm repose under liberty
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