Prekladatelia a tlmočníci English -> Dutch » General fields

Prekladatelia English -> Dutch, technika/technológia (0)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch, umenie/literatúra (0)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch, medicína (0)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch, právo/patenty (0)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch, veda (0)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch, obchod/financie (0)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch, marketing (0)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch, iné (0)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch, spoloèenské vedy (0)

Prekladatelia a tlmočníci English -> Dutch » Specific fields

Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: úètovníctvo (417)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: reklama / styk s verejnosou
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: aerokozmonautika / letectvo / vesmír
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: po¾nohospodárstvo
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: hospodárske zvieratá / chov zvierat
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: antropológia
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: archeológia
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: architektúra (420)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: umenie, umenia & remeslá, ma¾ovanie
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: astronómia & vesmír
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Asylum/Migration/Displacement (6)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: financie (všeobecne) (1115)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: automatizácia & robotika
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: automobilový priemysel / vozidlá & nákladné vozidlá (676)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: biológia (biotechnológia, biochémia, mikrobiológia)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Blockchain/Cryptocurrencies
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: botanika (275)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: stavebníctvo / stavebné inžinierstvo (524)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: podnikanie/obchod (všeobecne)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: materiály (plasty, keramika atï.)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: certifikáty, diplomy, licencie, životopisy
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: chémia; chemická veda/technológia
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: poézia & literatúra
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: kino, film, televízia, dráma
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: textílie / odevy / móda (841)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Comics/Manga/Graphic novels
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: telekom(unikácie) (1047)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: poèítaèe (všeobecne)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: poèítaèe: hardvér (773)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: poèítaèe: softvér (1383)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: poèítaèe: systémy, siete (750)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: právo: zmluva(y)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: varenie / kuchárstvo
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: kozmetika, krása
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: medicína: zubné lekárstvo (172)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: médiá / multimédiá
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: ekonómia
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: výchova a vzdelávanie / pedagogika
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: elektronika / elektrotechnika (582)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: energia / výroba energie
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: technológia (všeobecne)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: technológia: technologické inžinierstvo
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: mechanika / strojárenstvo
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: jadrová energetika/veda
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: životné prostredie & ekológia
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: ezoterické praktiky (226)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: rybolov
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: folklór (361)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: potraviny & mliekarstvo
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: lesníctvo / drevo / drevárstvo (137)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: nábytok / domáce spotrebièe
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Gambling/Casino/Bets
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: hry / videohry / hry o peniaze / kasíno
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: baníctvo & minerály / drahokamy
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: genealógia
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: všeobecné / konverzácia / pozdravy / listy (1490)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: genetika
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: geografia (885)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: geológia (156)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: vláda / politika
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: fotografia/zobrazovanie (& grafické umenia)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: medicína: zdravotná starostlivos
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: história
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: turizmus & cestovanie (2688)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: ¾udské zdroje
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Human rights (17)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: ustálené slovné spojenia / maximy / príslovia a porekadlá
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: poisovníctvo (368)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: medzinárodne organizácie/rozvoj/spolupráca
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: internet, e-obchod
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: investovanie / cenné papiere
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: metalurgia / odlievanie (112)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: IT (informaèné technológie) (1401)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: žurnalistika
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: reality (439)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: právo (všeobecne)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: právo: patenty, obchodné znaèky, autorské právo (365)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: právo: dane & clá
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: LGBTQ (8)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Linguistic evaluation/cognitive debriefing
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: jazykoveda
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: doprava / preprava / expedícia (798)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: manažment
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: výroba (406)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: lode, plavba, námorníctvo
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Market Research
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: marketing / prieskum trhu
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Massages/Reflexology (4)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: matematika & štatistika (201)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: medicína (všeobecne)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: medicína: kardiológia
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: medicína: prístroje
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Medical: Oncology (16)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: medicína: farmaká (458)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: meteorológia (60)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: metrológia
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: vojenstvo / obrana
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: hudba (973)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: mená, názvy (osobné, spoloèností)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: výživa (519)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: ropná technológia/veda
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: iné (538)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: papier / výroba papiera
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: patenty
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: filozofia (501)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: fyzika (173)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: polygrafia & vydavate¾stvo
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: psychológia
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: náboženstvo (467)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: maloobchod
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Safety (258)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Safety Data Sheets/Regulations (3)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: SAP (709)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: veda (všeobecne)
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: slang
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: sociálna veda, sociológia, etika atï.
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: športy / fitnes / oddych
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: geodézia
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Veterinary
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Waste management/Waste disposal/Recycling
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: Water resources management
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: víno / vinárstvo / vinohradníctvo
Prekladatelia English -> Dutch: zoológia

English -> Dutch translators and interpreters

Stĺpec o členstve Member Profile Keywords Native Language
KudoZ Points
(in pair)
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Identity Verified   Ron Willems
  32 years in business, IT & B2B marketing
aanbesteding, aandelen, aandelenfonds, abn amro, accountancy, accounting, accreditatie, accreditation, adobe, advertentie, adverteren, advertisement, advertising, affiliate marketing, agile, agile development, agile learning, agile manufacturing, agile software development, agreement, ai, ai software, ai system, ai-systeem, algemene verordening gegevensbescherming, algemene voorwaarden, amazon, amazon azure, amazon cloud, american English, amerikaans engels, aml, announcement, annual report, antispyware, antivirus, antivirus software, antivirussoftware, antiwitwasrichtlijn, apple, apsic, apsic xbench, arbo, arbowet, arbo-wet, arbo-wetgeving, artificial intelligence, audit trail, australian English, auto, auto-industrie, automatisering, automotive, auto's, avg, azure, b2b, b2b marketing, bachelor, bachelors degree, bank, bankbedrijf, banken, banking, bedrijfscommunicatie, bedrijfscontinuïteit, bedrijfscontinuïteitsplan, bedrijfscorrespondentie, bedrijfsgezondheid, bedrijfsgezondheidsdie ... Dutch
5239 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Henk Peelen
  Polytechnic school; Studio & memoQ
polytechnical, construction, mechanics, electrotechnics, electronics, information technology, IT, technics, general technics, scientific, automotive, agriculture, economical, commercial, Trados ... Dutch
4150 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Evert DELOOF-SYS
  Seasoned linguist
English, Dutch, Belgian Dutch, Dutch Dutch, Dutch for Belgium, Dutch for The Netherlands, Hollands, Flemish, French, Russian, Hebrew, Arabic, Ukrainian, German, Italian, Spanish, Czech, Serbian, Croatian, Polish, Urdu, Hindi, Azerbaijani, Telugu, Uzbek, Swiss French, Swiss German, United Arab Emirates, UAE, Dubai, Abu Dhabi, Emirates, Ras Al Khaimah, Sharjah, Ajman, Umm Al Quwayn, interpreter, translator, vertaler, traducteur, übersetzer, translation company UAE, translation company United Arab Emirates, Russian interpreter, Ukrainian interpreter, English interpreter, Arabic interpreter, mediation, consultancy, construction, real estate, oil and gasfields, anglais vers néerlandais, anglais vers arabic, anglais vers russe, français vers néerlandais, allemand vers néerlandais, English to Dutch translator, English to Russian translator, English to Arabic translator, English to Ukrainian translator, French to Dutch translator, German to Dutch translator, Russian to Dutch translator, Dutch to English translator, Dutch to French translator, English to ... Dutch/Flemish
2706 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Barend van Zadelhoff
  TR is the most intimate act of reading.
potraviny & mliekarstvo, sociálna veda, sociológia, etika atï., antropológia, potraviny & mliekarstvo, sociálna veda, sociológia, etika atï., antropológia, medicína (všeobecne), medicína: zdravotná starostlivos, medicína: farmaká, medicína: kardiológia, ezoterické praktiky, náboženstvo, filozofia, psychológia, výchova a vzdelávanie / pedagogika, medicína (všeobecne), medicína: zdravotná starostlivos, medicína: farmaká, medicína: kardiológia, ezoterické praktiky, náboženstvo, filozofia, psychológia, výchova a vzdelávanie / pedagogika ... Dutch
2047 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Kitty Brussaard
  Business Language Solutions
business language solutions, business language services, copywriting, corrigeren, editing, language professional, language professionals, language solutions, language services, language solutions for business, language services for business, linguist, linguists, proeflezen, proofreading, redigeren, reviseren, reviewing, taaldiensten, taaloplossingen, taalprofessional, taalprofessionals, tekstcorrectie, tekstredactie, tekstschrijver, tekstschrijvers, translating, translation, translations, translator, translators, translation agency, vertaalbureau, vertaaldiensten, vertalen, vertaler, vertalers, vertaling, vertalingen, zakelijke taaloplossingen, agreement, agreements, akte, aktes, algemene voorwaarden, annual report, annual reports, bedrijfscommunicatie, bedrijfscorrespondentie, beleid, beleidsdocument, beleidsdocumenten, beleidsstuk, beleidsstukken, beoordelingssysteem, beoordelingssystemen, brochure, brochures, business, business case, business cases, businesscase, businesscases, busi ... Dutch
1958 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Lianne van de Ven
  Getting your message across!
English to Dutch translator, williamsburg, va, human resources, people management, training, coaching, education, medical, physiology, equipment, inspection reports, pharmacology, environmental, government, technology, business, organization, marketing, communication, company, corporate, organizational psychology, system theories, human activity systems, psychotherapy, self-help, spirituality, poetry, manuals, painting, construction, environmental, ecology, restaurant, publishing, printing, web design, horses, animals, food, natural health care, technical, industrial, medical, photography, photoshop, software, computer, science, philosophy, united states, virginia, tourism, ... Dutch
Spojené štáty
1857 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Antoinette Verburg
  2 MA degrees and 32 years of experience
medical translator, sworn translator, health care, healthcare, mental health care, nursing, simulation, addiction, alcoholism, drugs, dementia, depression, Alzheimer's disease, Lyme disease, Morquio A, elderly care, aged care, eldercare, ageing, aging, gerontology, geriatrics, women's health, pharmaceuticals, patient information leaflets, SPC, SmPC, PIL, PL, SPCs, SmPCs, PILs, PLs, EMA templates, QRD templates, clinical trials, informed consent forms, ICFs, medical device regulation, EDQM standard terms, MedDRA, telehealth, telemedicine, telecare, ehealth, psychology, scientific, Dutch, English, proofreader, translation, translations, certified translator, proofing, proofreading, editor, editing, wildlife conservation, marine life, medicinal plants, zoopharmacognosy, native speaker of Dutch, beëdigd vertaler Engels-Nederlands, lid van het NGTV, Nederlands Genootschap van Tolken en Vertalers, geestelijke gezondheidszorg, alcoholisme, verslavingszorg, verpleegkunde, verpleging, simulatie ... Dutch
1276 points
English -> Dutch
  Willem Wunderink
  Specialist in business, it & technology
Dutch English german flexible dedicated reliable quality engineering logistics automation marketing it systems advertising brochures business management strategic-plan business-plan franchising handbook technical-instructions webtext auto automotive cars trucks transport logistics ... Dutch
1016 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Jacqueline van der Spek
  25 years experience in medicine
medical, translator, Dutch, English, translations, translation, medisch, vertaler, Nederlands, Engels, vertaling, vertalingen ... Dutch
832 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Max Nuijens
  Energy & Environment, MSc
translation English to Dutch, translator English Dutch, translator biology, science, biology, environmental sciences, chemistry, MSDS, SDS, ecology, environment, environmental, science and technology, technical, agriculture, agricultural, climate change, greenhouse effect, water management, botany, botanic, energy, biofuels, minsk, belarus, Max Nuijens ... Dutch
761 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Gerard de Noord
  Striving to surpass your expectations
vertaler, translator, Übersetzer, traducteur ... Dutch
667 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Michiel Leeuwenburgh
  Expert in life sciences, PhD
translator, English, Dutch, chemistry, medicinal chemistry, organic chemistry, pharmacy, pharmaceutical science, biochemistry, molecular biology, biotechnology, medicine, scientific publications, popular science, patents, MSDS, exposure scenarios, eSDS, SDS, SPC, SmPC, PIL, clinical trials, informed consent form, ICF, patient information, ECHA, EMA, drug product information ... Dutch
561 points
English -> Dutch
  Marijn de Kroon
  Technical translation specialist
Duits, German, English, Niederlaendisch, Nederlands, Engineering, Techniek, Technik, Freiberuflich, Freelance, Uebersetzer, Technisch Vertaler, Technical Translator, Writer, Technical Author, Technisch Auteur, CE, User's Manuals, Operation Manuals, Gebrauchsanleitungen, Automotive, Technology, Engineering, Automotive, Surface treatment (powder coating), Aerospace, Defence, Material Handling, Heavy Machinery & Cranes, Airconditioning & Heating, etc. Opel, General Motors, GM, Daewoo, Chevrolet, Liebherr, ZZP ... Dutch
553 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Chantal Henno
  Fast, correct, IT, software localization
Pc, software, localization, webpages, reports, books (literature), computer books, technical translation. ... Dutch
406 points
English -> Dutch
  Edith van der Have
  Medicine, science, perfection (MSc)
English, Dutch, Netherlands, qualified translator, Nederlands, Engels, Nederland, vertaling, vertaalster, gediplomeerd, gediplomeerde vertaler, landbouwingenieur, science, biology, medical, medicine, pharma, pharmaceutical translator, pharmaceuticals, pharmacology, pharmacokinetics, forensic science, Instructions for Use, IFU, Summary of Product Characteristics, SmPC, SPC, Patient Information Leaflet, PIL, QRD template, EMA, ICF, informed consent, patient dossier, patient dossiers, medical dossier, medical dossiers, HIPAA form, virology, vaccinology, immunology, psychology, psychiatry, education, pedagogy, agronomy, agriculture, horticulture, botany, genetics, genomics, crop protection, plant protection products, agrichemical, agrochemical, agrichemicals, agrochemicals, environment, life cycle analysis, life cycle assessment, LCA, climate change, toxicology, MSDS, SDS, material Safety data sheet, Safety data sheets, food, nutrition, diet, diets, vegan, veganism, vegetarian, flexitarian ... Dutch
299 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Ronald van Riet
  technical translator to English & Dutch
aerospace, computer hardware, computer software, science, engineering, military ... Dutch/English
293 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Bea Geenen
  Marketing & book translator
Sinoloog, sinologie, sinologe, sinology, Nederlands, Engels, Duits, Chinees, Spaans, Europa, Spanje, België, China, Beijing, Peking, Malaga, Andalusië, Europese Unie, vertaler, tolk, vertaling, consecutief, vastgoed, immobiliën, import, export, economie, internationale politiek, handel, marketing, commercieel, verkoop, management, investering, contract, literatuur, handelsbeurs, elektrische toestellen, huishoudapparaat, handleiding, Dutch, English, German, Chinese, Spanish, Europe, Spain, Belgium, China, Beijing, Peking, Malaga, Andalusia, European Union, translator, interpreter, translation, consecutive, real estate, realty, import, export, economy, international politics, trade, marketing, commercial, sales, management, investment, contract, literature, trade fair, electrical appliance, manual, Holländisch, Englisch, Deutsch, Chinesisch, Spanisch, Europa, Spanien, Belgien, China, Beijing, Peking, Màlaga, Andalusien, EU, Übersetzer, Dolmetscher, Übersetzung, Immobiliën, Import, Export ... Dutch
288 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Lianne Wouters
  Medical and pharmaceutical specialist
translator, vertaler, pharmacy, medicine, medizinische, Einwilligungserklärung, pharmazeutische, medical, bijsluiter, diabetes, Patienteninformation, protocol, clinical, clinical studies, study, EMA, PI, English, Dutch, geneesmiddelen, übersetzung, übersetzungen, klinische Prüfung, Prüfplan, synopsis, synopses, klinisch onderzoek, Medikament, SPC, SmPC, PIL, Zusammenfassung der Merkmale des Arzneimittels, healthcare, ZMA, medical products, Studienprotokoll, health care, ICF, diabetes, DFU, IFU, gezondheidszorg, Pharma, medische hulpmiddelen, klinische Studie, Katalog, German, Fragenbogen, brochures, clinical research, human anatomy, anatomie, EPAR, Medizin, Pharmazie, vragenlijsten, cardiologie, cardiology, samenvatting van de productkenmerken, questionnaires, assent form, patient information, technical, pharmaceutical, technology, life sciences, economy, business, automotive, creative, quality, brochures, medical appliances, native Dutch, Engels, Nederlands, Duits, Einbauanleitung, An ... Dutch
288 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Joep Muijs
  Full-time localizer/editor since 1987
localizer localisation localization ICT IT, hardware software computers computer technology telecommunication help printers marketing documentation telecom ERP websites lokalisatie editing editor QA LQA LQI review reviewer ... Dutch
276 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Eddy Coodee
  Specialist in IT, Gaming, Tourism
translation, localization, Dutch, IT, computers, hardware, software, tourism, travel, games, gaming, consumer electronics, gadgets, food, nutrition, philosophy, religion ... Dutch
Spojené krá¾ovstvo
261 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Gert Vercauteren
  Also a University Teacher in Translation
gastronomy, leisure, financial/business, Safety & security, legal, medical, architecture, patents, technical ... Dutch
254 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Frits Ens
  Technical translations German -> Dutch
Transit NXT, Technical, automotive, EVs, industrial, process industry, Safety, tourism, website translation, Across 8.0, manuals, electronics, solar power, Tesla, MemoQ. Localization, Wordpress, Trados, Smartling ... Dutch/Frisian
220 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Pieter Beens
  Dedicated Dutch copywriter and linguist
Dutch, English, technical, technology, electrics, software, proofreading, localization, agro, agricultural, financial, contract, agreement, medical ... Dutch
208 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Edward Vreeburg
  Translate ED - the Dutch IT specialist
vertaling engels nederlands, vertaling nederlands engels, vertaling frans nederlands, vertaling nederlands frans, vertaling duits nederlands, vertaling nederlands duits, English Dutch translation, Dutch English translation, traduction francais néerlandais, traduction néerlandais, francais, ubersetzung Deutsch Niederlandisch, Dutch English translator, English Dutch translator, technical Dutch translations, technical Dutch, techical writer English, technical writer Dutch, translate tender, translate manual, translate computer manual, translate user manual, technical, computer, tender, EU tender, Dutch tender, trending vertaler, hashtag vertaler, vertaler twitter, trending translator, twitter, tweet, cloudworks, translizer, translator, facebook translator, linkedin translator, linkedin vertaler, social media vertaler, sociale media vertaler, social media translator, Touristic, tourism, toerisme, toeristische, touristic translation, tourrism translation, English to Dutch translator, Englis ... Dutch
207 points
English -> Dutch
Identity Verified   Björn Houben
  Get the quality you need
entertainment, EU institutions, medical, legal, marketing, art, websites, commercial, IT, literary, tourism, press release, game, book, magazine articles, internal, external, communication, English, Dutch, French, translator, vertaler, traducteur, anglais vers néerlandais, français vers néerlandais, English to Dutch translator, French to Dutch translator, English to Flemish translator, French to Flemish translator, Dutch native speaker, Belgian Dutch native speaker, Flemish native speaker, Flemish translations, Belgian Dutch translations, Dutch editor, Dutch proofer, Flemish translator, Flemish editor, Belgian Dutch translator, Belgian Dutch editor ... Flemish/Dutch
201 points
English -> Dutch
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