Translation glossary: Philosophy

Showing entries 101-150 of 6,841
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age discrimination연령 차별 
angol - koreai
age of approaching peace승평세 
angol - koreai
age of disorder거란세 
angol - koreai
age of great peace태평세 
angol - koreai
Ages of the World, The세계시대 
angol - koreai
aggregates as demons음마 
angol - koreai
agitation, a도거 
angol - koreai
agreeable condition[circumstances]순경 
angol - koreai
agreement[identification] with the superior상동 
angol - koreai
agriculturalist school농가 
angol - koreai
Ahn Jeong-bok안정복 
angol - koreai
Aim and Structure Physical Theory, The물리학 이론 
angol - koreai
aim of literature is to transmit the way, the문이재도 
angol - koreai
Ajita kesakambalin아지따 께사깜발린 
angol - koreai
Alan of Lille릴의 알라누스 
angol - koreai
alchemical matter theory연금술적 물질 이론 
angol - koreai
all forms of phenomenal existence in the world blend with each other without impediment사사무애 
angol - koreai
all kinds of beings군류 
angol - koreai
all objects are nothing but the mind제경유심 
angol - koreai
all people are my sibilings and all thing are my companions민포물여 
angol - koreai
all phenomena produced by causation유위 
angol - koreai
All sentient beings have the Buddha-nature innately일체중생 실유불성 
angol - koreai
all the gods and deities between heaven and earth천신지기 
angol - koreai
all the scriptures of Buddhism일체경 
angol - koreai
All things are complete in me만물개비어아 
angol - koreai
All things of this world are non-sustantial일체개공 
angol - koreai
All under the heavens is shared in common천하위공 
angol - koreai
All-Embracing Book, The통서 
angol - koreai
All-fulfilled, the childhood name of Prince Siddhartha.일체의성 
angol - koreai
allocative justice할당적 정의 
angol - koreai
alms round걸식 
angol - koreai
almsgiving and spiritual charity, giving food, cloths, money, etc., and expounding the Buddhist doctrine재법이시 
angol - koreai
altar of Heaven천단 
angol - koreai
altar of Heaven지단 
angol - koreai
Altar of Soil and Grain사직단 
angol - koreai
Altar to sun일단 
angol - koreai
Altar to the Moon월단 
angol - koreai
alter ego타아 
angol - koreai
alternate consciousness, an이숙식 
angol - koreai
alternate designation for seeds, an습기 
angol - koreai
alternate designation of karma-seeds, an이숙습기 
angol - koreai
alternative medicine대체 의학 
angol - koreai
Althusser, L.알튀세르 
angol - koreai
altruistic surrogacy이타적 대리출산 
angol - koreai
always following sentient beings항순중생 
angol - koreai
Ambedkar, B.R.암베드까르 
angol - koreai
ambivalent motives이중적인 동기 
angol - koreai
Ames byang chub \'byung gnas아메 쟝춥 즁내 
angol - koreai
Amitabha\'s coming to welcome and take an aspirant to his land영접 
angol - koreai
Amitabha\'s paradise in the west십만억토 
angol - koreai
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