The wildly popular series Squid Game drew criticism for its English subtitles. Just how did those happen? (…) The practice of outsourcing sees TV stations, movie studios and streaming giants hire external subtitling vendors instead of using in-house subtitlers. The result is that funds trickle down from managers until employees at the bottom — the subtitlers — are left with the dregs.
angličtina -> indonézština
Almost 20 professional groups have united under the banner AudioVisual Translators Europe, a federation that aims to improve working conditions for all media translators by working with and educating European institutions and legislators.
I'm sorry. But for as long as this federation/association has no authority over the business globally, it won't be able to do much to improve the situation.
Oh, BTW...
Local time: 05:35
Člen (2007)
angličtina -> portugalčina
+ ...
I am not a subtitler, but I’d be grateful if someone anywhere in the world was trying to move things forward. I suppose all things have to start somewhere and doing something is better than none at all…
Local time: 06:35
Člen (2006)
angličtina -> afrikánčina
+ ...
The URL that matters is this one:
angličtina -> indonézština
I sincerely hope that AVTE can incorporate their goals into the EU Law, which should (fingers crossed) cause a ripple effect to the US. Especially so, since most of the major streaming services are based in there.
The URL that matters is this one:
[Edited at 2022-02-22 09:50 GMT]
Spojené krá¾ovstvo
Local time: 05:35
Člen (2008)
taliančina -> angličtina
The URL that matters is this one:
The original article is very interesting to read, and that link you posted also provides much food for thought, such as this quote:
"Neural translation, as impressive as it can be, is just another tool in a skilled translator’s belt. Achieving human translation quality level through post-editing often takes as much time as doing the work from scratch. But stripped of the creativity and fun. At a fraction of the price. And much added stress"
So far, that is a point that isn't getting across, but I believe that in time, it will, and there will be a renewal of interest in the work of skilled, hardworking translators.
[Edited at 2022-02-22 16:48 GMT]
More Agreers
Local time: 06:35
Člen (2012)
angličtina -> maltčina
+ ...
The URL that matters is this one:
The original article is very interesting to read, and that link you posted also provides much food for thought, such as this quote:
"Neural translation, as impressive as it can be, is just another tool in a skilled translator’s belt. Achieving human translation quality level through post-editing often takes as much time as doing the work from scratch. But stripped of the creativity and fun. At a fraction of the price. And much added stress"
So far, that is a point that isn't getting across, but I believe that in time, it will, and there will be a renewal of interest in the work of skilled, hardworking translators.
[Edited at 2022-02-22 16:48 GMT]
And, IMO will never be like direct human translation because the editor is psychologically conditioned by the machine translated text. Thanks Samuel, very interesting.
Local time: 06:35
španielčina -> angličtina
+ ...
I saw a cracker last night, showing an egregious lack of cultural background knowledge and/or unseemly haste. The Australian-English soft rock duo from the 80s, Air Supply, translated into Spanish as "Erso Play"...
Come to think of it, it might have been a case of speech recognition based machine translation.
[Edited at 2022-03-04 09:42 GMT]
Spojené štáty
Local time: 22:35
angličtina -> portugalčina
+ ...
[Edited at 2022-04-23 01:43 GMT] ▲ Collapse
angličtina -> indonézština
I'm bored. People keep complaining about the low rates, and yet nobody really does anything meaningful to elevate the situation.
Spojené krá¾ovstvo
francúzština -> angličtina
I'm bored. People keep complaining about the low rates, and yet nobody really does anything meaningful to elevate the situation.
The fundamental work of any trade union is to police the industry, and make sure exploitation is stopped.
A recent case here in Britain;
shows how impotent trade unions are in the 21st century. How can you police a global industry?
How are you going to get agencies to pay a decent rate, when they have access to cheap labour?
We need a revolution in the name of all the exploited, including textile workers in India that make the clothes we wear.
angličtina -> indonézština
I've been yelling at the cloud like an old madman.
Spojené krá¾ovstvo
francúzština -> angličtina
I'm not kidding. But the subtitles of a high brow contemporary Norwegian film read;
" I wasn't sick already then ".
This is a shocking example of the sorry state of the industry. If that's not bad enough, the film is about a writer.
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