A language-teaching app tests tongues with Zulu and Xhosa

By: Maria Teresa Borges de Almeida

Learning clicking sounds is tough, especially online

In most parts of the world the clicks of Zulu and Xhosa, the languages spoken most commonly at home in South Africa, sound completely foreign. Duolingo, the world’s biggest language-learning platform, is hoping to make them more familiar. Next year it will offer lessons in both to its 40m active users.


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A language-teaching app tests tongues with Zulu and Xhosa
Tomasso  Identity Verified
Spojené štáty
Local time: 22:26
Člen (2008)
španielčina -> angličtina
+ ...
Interesting, Nov 22, 2021

Unfortunately, a person can not read much of the article before the POP UPs want your personal information, and also in some cases your money. Will look for it at other sources.....modern day sneeze of the InterNet, no fee lunch as it were. Sorry,


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