GlossPost: Wine glossary (eng,fra,ita,esl > eng,fra,ita,esl) Nadvädzujúci príspevok na vyvesovateľa: Andrea Quintana
| Andrea Quintana Argentína Local time: 20:00 Člen (2006) angličtina -> španielčina + ...
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Posted by: Andrea Quintana
Title: Glosario de vino
Source language(s): eng,fra,ita,esl
Target language(s): eng,fra,ita,esl
Source: Istituto Tecnico Agrario di Firenze
Keywords: multilingual English French Italian Spanish glossary wine oenology viticulture multilingüe inglés francés italiano español glosario vino enología vitivinicultura
~~~~~~... See more A new GlossPost URL has been entered.
Posted by: Andrea Quintana
Title: Glosario de vino
Source language(s): eng,fra,ita,esl
Target language(s): eng,fra,ita,esl
Source: Istituto Tecnico Agrario di Firenze
Keywords: multilingual English French Italian Spanish glossary wine oenology viticulture multilingüe inglés francés italiano español glosario vino enología vitivinicultura
Italian multilingual glossary on wine.
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[Subject edited by staff or moderator 2005-10-16 20:53] ▲ Collapse | | | zoyayadvichu (X) Local time: 00:00 ruština -> angličtina + ...
thank you, it is really helpful | | | Jo Macdonald Španielsko Local time: 00:00 Člen (2005) taliančina -> angličtina + ... Thanks Andrea, here's some more | Oct 21, 2005 |
acerbe verdoso unreif, grün acerbo acerbo tart
acide acido, duro sauer acido * acid
acidité acidez Säure acidité acidez *
aigre acético, atufado, puntado stichig acetoso * acetic
aigrelet agrillo Säurlich acidulo acre *
aimable agradable lieblich amabile agrádavel agreeable
amer amargo bitter amaro amango bitter
âpre, astringent aspero, astringente astri... See more FRANÇAIS ESPAÑOL DEUTSCH ITALIANO PORTUGUÊS ENGLISH
acerbe verdoso unreif, grün acerbo acerbo tart
acide acido, duro sauer acido * acid
acidité acidez Säure acidité acidez *
aigre acético, atufado, puntado stichig acetoso * acetic
aigrelet agrillo Säurlich acidulo acre *
aimable agradable lieblich amabile agrádavel agreeable
amer amargo bitter amaro amango bitter
âpre, astringent aspero, astringente astringierend aspro, aspretto, astringente * astringent
arômatisé aromatizado aromatisiert aromatizzato aromatizado aromatised
arôme aroma Aroma aroma aroma aroma
arrière-goût retrogusto, resabio, dejo Nachgeschmack retrogusto ressalbo after-taste
austère acerbo Rauh austero austero *
authentique auténtico sortenrein autentico genuino genuine
bouquet aroma, perfume Bukett, Bukettstoffe bouquet bouquet bouquet
bouqueté aromático Bukettreich profumato perfumado *
brillant brillante Glanzhell brillante brillante *
brut brut Strengherb bruto bruto brut
chambré atemperado temperiert scaldato * *
charnu de cuerpo körperreich da corpo * full-bodied meaty
charpenté vino robusto kräftig robusto forte *
chaud caliente feurig caldo quente *
clairet clarete, tintillo Klarettwein, Weissherbst chiaretto clarete pale wine
corps cuerpo Körper corpo corpo body
corsé robusto kräftig robusto * robust
décrépit decrepito überalt decrepito dŽcrŽpito *
demi-sec abocado, semi-seco süߧ abboccato, semi-secco doce demi-sec
dépot deposito Depot deposito dŽposito *
dépouillé depurado geklärt spoglio, travasato limpo cleared
doux dulce sehr süß dolce doce sweet, doux
dur duro, verde hart, sauer duro duro, rijo *
âcre acre, agrio herb acre * harsh
edulcoré edulcorado gesüßt edulcorate *
elégant distinguido elegant elegante elegante elegant
équilibré equilabrado ausgeglichen equilibrato, armonico equilabrado well-balanced
extra-sec extra seco ganz trocken secchissimo extra seco extra dry
fade insipido fad vuoto insipido *
faible flaco körperarm leggero descarnado *
filant filante lind filante filante *
fin fino fein fino * fine
finesse finura Feinheit finezza * finesse
frais fresco frisch fresco fresco fresh, cool (temperature)
fruité afrutado fruchtig fruttato fruto (sampra) fruity
généreux generoso edel generoso generoso strong and full-bodied
gouleyant redondo, completo süffig passante chelo *
goût, saveur sabor, gusto, paladar Geschmack sapore sabor, gosto flavour
harmonieux equilabrado ausgeglichen harmonico equilibrado *
lourd baso, vinazo dick pesante * heavy
madérisé maderizado rahngeschmack maderizzato madeirizado maderised oxidized
millésime añada Jahrgang annata ano de colheita year of vintage
moelleux suave, blando, pastoso vollmundig, körperreich pastoso * mellow
mousse espuma Sektschaum spuma espuma *
muté apagado nicht gärend muto amuado *
net franco de gusto reintönig, sauber netto, franco boa prova clean
neutre neutro neutral neutro neutro *
onctueux untuoso Flaschenabfülllung grasso untuoso *
paillé pajizo, doncel strohfarben giallo paglierino * *
parfum perfume Aroma, Bukett profumo * perfume, flagrance
parfumé perfumado blumig profumato * flagrant
pâteux pastoso wuchtig pastoso pastoso pasty, doughy
piquant picante scharf piccante, mordente * piquant, sharp
piqué picado, acescente stichig acescente, inacetito * pricked
plat insipido fad, schal, abgestanden insipido, piatto, fiacco chato flat, insipid
plein lieno voll, fällig pieno encorpado *
robe capa Aussehen veste * *
rond redondo, equilibrado abgerundet rotondo redondo round
rude basto-áspero herb ruvido travoso *
salé salado salzig salato salgado *
savoureux sabroso lieblich savoroso saboroso *
sec seco trocken secco seco dry
sommelier escanclador Kellner sommelier escancao *
souple suave, ligero weich, geschmeidig morbido * supple
tastevin taza de catar Probeglas tastevin tambuladeira tasting glass
tendre delicado fein delicato delicado *
trouble turbio trüb torbido turvo turbid, cloudy
usé decrepito tot, kraftlos snervato decrépito *
velouté aterciopelado samtig vellutato * velvety
vineux vinoso vinoso vinoso weinig *
vivace vivaz lebendig vivace vivaco * ▲ Collapse | |
Andrea Quintana Argentína Local time: 20:00 Člen (2006) angličtina -> španielčina + ... TOPIC STARTER That's what we translators are for! | Oct 21, 2005 |
I'm glad to hear it's been of use to someone. Thanks for letting me know. Good luck!
zoyayadvichuk wrote:
thank you, it is really helpful | | | Tony M Francúzsko Local time: 00:00 francúzština -> angličtina + ... SITE LOCALIZER Link no longer works | Nov 25, 2017 |
Sadly, this useful resource is no longer available on the original page.
Does anyone know where it can be found now — or might anyone by chance have ever downloaded it?
Thanks! | | | TonyTK nemčina -> angličtina + ... Wayback Machine | Nov 25, 2017 |
Hi Tony,
Have you tried Wayback?
If you copy the glossary URL into the box at the top, it should take you there.
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