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Should KudoZ asking limits be reduced?
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Christine Andersen
Christine Andersen  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:47
Člen (2003)
dánčina -> angličtina
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I'll vote for it Aug 9, 2012

Lisa Simpson, MCIL wrote:

Have suggested a monthly limit as a quick poll. Look out for it.

Definitely in favour.

Shai Navé
Shai Navé  Identity Verified
Local time: 21:47
angličtina -> hebrejčina
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Two action shuld be takeing in my opinion Sep 28, 2012

I agree that you cannot eliminate abuse, but it can be minimized. No proactive regulation is needed because it is much more time consuming then beneficial; the goal should be setting a system that makes it harder for the average abuser and adjust it over time in light of issues, concerns or to address new abuse loopholes. I think that a two-fold approach should be adopted:
1) The cardinal sin is that Kudoz points are the sole criterion for determining the directory ranking. This is the inc
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I agree that you cannot eliminate abuse, but it can be minimized. No proactive regulation is needed because it is much more time consuming then beneficial; the goal should be setting a system that makes it harder for the average abuser and adjust it over time in light of issues, concerns or to address new abuse loopholes. I think that a two-fold approach should be adopted:
1) The cardinal sin is that Kudoz points are the sole criterion for determining the directory ranking. This is the incentive of all the serial answerers, some of whom will do whatever they can just for the chance to "win" Kudoz points with no regard to etiquette or ethics.
Therefore the first rule of business should be changing the ranking system to account for other merits and community citizenship and contribution, in which Kudoz should be only one component (and not very important on at that).

2) I also suggest a ratio of 1:2/3 questions:answers; New members will get a 10-15 questions grace period to enable them to participate while still getting oriented. Abusers usually don't bother to participate, and even if they will start doing so just to maintain their ratio, they will probably give low quality answers (and if not, they will add value to the community) which in turn will annoy the more reliable answeres - and this could be a great thing - the answerers who now answer those abusers without thinking twice will start resenting them after starting to see them as competition instead of "easy points", and may not answer them again so easily.
I echo the suggestions to reduce the limits. In my opinion 60 questions per year are enough. 5 per month on average are more than enough for people who work in areas they know something about. I even propose to remove the weekly and monthly limits - make it 60 overall, if someone is indeed stuck with a project that they accept due to a momentary lapse of judgement, I don't care if they ask 60 questions per day; but when the quota is reached, that's it for the year.

Just my thoughts after watching how the Kudoz platform has degraded with time from a kind of place that allowed you to consult with reliable colleagues about tongue twisters and draw inspiration from time to (long) time when facing "translation block"... to a place full of dictionary level questions and basic terms that anyone translating in that area should be familiar with to begin with, coupled with answers by people who were exposed to the term for the first time just moment ago and are now posting with confidence the first thing they have found on Google (hey, if it's in the internet it must be correct), and try to "steal" the points from each other and from reliable respondents, even if it means confusing or misleading the asker.

Gina W
Gina W
Spojené štáty
Local time: 14:47
Člen (2003)
francúzština -> angličtina
Don't change anything Sep 28, 2012

Christine Andersen wrote:

This has been discussed at length, and even more in the moderators' forums, which I had the privilege of seeing for a few years. The present limits were set after very careful consideration and discussion by MANY KudoZ users.

Inevitably the present rules are a compromise, because it is impossible to reach agreement among so many. But the main conclusion was that you can't stop abuse without hindering those who use KudoZ properly and for all the right reasons.

The limits were deliberately set high for several reasons.

Some people need to ask clusters of questions within short periods, for instance if they prefer to gather problem terms at the end of a long text and ask about them together. That way, if they find their own solutions along the way, they need not post them as KudoZ questions. But then deadlines are often approaching, and they cannot wait several days for an answer.

Although only one term is allowed per question, asking about related terms in a sequence of questions is useful to both askers and answerers.

There are lots of reasons why asking several questions within a day or a week would NOT amount to abuse.

Many non-subscribing users make extremely valuable contributions to KudoZ, while paid membership is no guarantee against abuse of the system.

The limits reduce constant over-use, but in purely practical terms it is not possible to construct a system that can recognise abusers and filter them out.

The only workable solution is to sift abusers individually, on the grounds that they infringe other rules. Moderators can and do block individuals from KudoZ, and anyone is welcome to report abuse by sending a support ticket or contacting a moderator.

That is my personal experience of KudoZ. Agreed, the system is not foolproof, but IMHO the short answer to the question is NO.

Thank you, Christine, for summing this up quite well.

Pablo Bouvier
Pablo Bouvier  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:47
nemčina -> španielčina
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Should KudoZ asking limits be reduced? Sep 28, 2012

Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote:

One person should not be able to make more questions than the number of questions answered. This would ensure everybody contributed to the community effort and that abuse disappeared in one go.

Fully agree! They are not many Kudoz abusers, but this will avoid that translators go behind his own professional limits and avoid such kind of abuse too.

Catherine GUILLIAUMET  Identity Verified
Local time: 20:47
angličtina -> francúzština
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Na pamiatku
Good idea :-) Sep 28, 2012

Tomás Cano Binder, CT wrote:

One person should not be able to make more questions than the number of questions answered. This would ensure everybody contributed to the community effort and that abuse disappeared in one go.

Good idea Tomas (sorry for the accent),

So, dear colleagues, if this rule applies, be prepared to be bothered by me at least 1445 times

That's good ! As I only asked 42 questions in 13 years, I have a good margin, which could bring me not far from my 500th birthday. Wow! I love to have some credit.

Enjoy your week-end


[Edited at 2012-09-28 19:47 GMT]

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Should KudoZ asking limits be reduced?

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