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Em qual projeto de tradução você está trabalhando agora?

Amanda A publicado em compartilhado:

Medicine, Science, Marketing & Finance


I Do That

Amanda A publicado em compartilhado:

Attending three MEDICAL TRANSLATIONS webinars on 21 November 2019 here on PROZ


I Do That

Amanda A publicado em compartilhado:

Proofreading the FR-EN translation of ‘The Count of Monte Christo’ (Alexandre Dumas; Intro & Notes: Keith Wren, 2002; Wordsworth Edts Ltd 1997) for fun. p. 422: Line 31: [...]; 'you are positively past bearing; your [sic; you] really disturb the conversation; go, leave us, and [...].'; p. 356: Line 10: [...] with the blond [sic; fair] complexion; only his [...] added to the vivacity [sic; intensity] of his look, and the malice of his smile.


I Do That

1 user

  • francês para inglês
  • Poetry & Literature
Amanda A publicado em compartilhado:

Proofreading 'The Third Twin' (Ken Follett, 1996, Macmillan Pan Books) for fun. Spelling error: p. 479 - "solders"; correct “soldiers”: '[...]. If we're all aggressive, obedient solders [sic], who’s going to write the poems and play the blues and go on anti-war protest marches?’ […]


I Do That

  • inglês
  • Poetry & Literature