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Search results: (131 matches)
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Confirmar asistencia Rogamos que los asistentes confirmen su asistencia
con el botón "sí" a la derecha de su nombre.
Gary Smith Lawson Oct 10, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Confirmar asistencia Rogamos que los asistentes confirmen su asistencia
con el botón "sí" a la derecha de su nombre.
Gary Smith Lawson Oct 10, 2011 Spain events Cuestiones prácticas Datos útiles Lugares del congreso: Astoria Palace
(Sábado): El Coso (Domingo): Plaza de Rodrigo
Botet, 5. Paseo Neptuno, 12. Aeropuerto de
Manises-Valencia: 96 159 85 00 RENFE-FEVE de<
Gary Smith Lawson Oct 9, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Dirección Sota D'Abastos C/ Navarra 7. Véase:
Gary Smith Lawson Oct 7, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Opciones vegetarianas 1º.- Tapa vegetariana (camembert frito,
ensaladilla rusa, tomate relleno de setas y queso,
bravas o escalibada con queso de cabra) 2º.-
Cualquiera de las ensaladas siguientes (de quesos
Gary Smith Lawson Oct 7, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Veggie Claro Rodrigo. Oye, ¿eres vegano o
vegetariano? Lo digo pq en el mismo menú hay
opciones vegetarianas pero con huevo, queso,
etc. De todos modos, ya he avisado al
restaurante. ¡Grac
Gary Smith Lawson Oct 6, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Restaurante Don Juan C/ Martínez Cubells, 8, 46002 Valencia 21.00h. Gary Smith Lawson Oct 2, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Menú cerrado de tapeo Para cada 4 personas: 6 tapas Jamón
ibérico Camembert frito Patatas bravas Huevos
rotos con setas Patatas rellenas de foie Sepia
plancha 4 entrepanes/bocadillos (se
Gary Smith Lawson Oct 2, 2011 Spain events Cuestiones prácticas Precio taxi Un taxi desde la Plaza del Ayuntamiento a la playa
cuesta alrededor de 10 €, por ejemplo.
Gary Smith Lawson Oct 1, 2011 Spain events Cuestiones prácticas Mapa de lugares de eventos. Aquí encontrarás los lugares pertinentes a los
eventos del fin de semana del congreso de Proz: .
Gary Smith Lawson Sep 29, 2011 Spain events Cuestiones prácticas Si quieres compartir un taxi, compartir
información útil etc., aquí puedes.
Gary Smith Lawson Sep 19, 2011 in-person events Conocernos. Actividades sociales en Valencia. Aquí puedes sugerir una visita cultural antes o
después del congreso de Valencia 2011, o sólo
tomar una tapa o un café con asistentescerca de
tu hotel etc.
Gary Smith Lawson Sep 19, 2011 in-person events Preguntas al Gestor En este foro los asistentes al congreso de
Valencia 2011 pueden formular las preguntas que
quieren que el gestor conteste sobre facturación,
temas de gestoría etc.
Gary Smith Lawson Sep 19, 2011 Spain events España conferencia 2011 - Aquí puedes sugerir una visita cultural. Conocernos. Aquí puedes sugerir una visita
cultural antes o después del congreso, o sólo
tomar una tapa o un café con asistentes cerca de
tu hotel etc.
Gary Smith Lawson Sep 19, 2011
Translation Article Knowledgebase Article: A little learning Still no learning. I just thought I'd mention that nearly 3 years
after writing this article I've seen that the
5-star hotel with the badly written sales info has
still not corrected its advertising...(I has
Gary Smith Lawson Aug 30, 2011
Translation Article Knowledgebase Article: Is the customer always right? Thanks Thanks a lot Alex; I'm glad you found it useful. Gary Smith Lawson Aug 17, 2011
Spanish Cuidado, estafa ... enlaces Vaya, qué lío, ¿usurpación de identidad? La
pesadilla de todos. Hay que mandar sólo un primer
trozo a nuevos clientes totalmente desconocidos
sin identidad comprobada. Aquí hay unas<
Gary Smith Lawson Jul 9, 2011
PATACONA. (Avda. Mare Nostrum 50, Alboraya) Las
líneas de bus son: 31, 2, 19, N1A, 20, 21, 22,
23, 24, y el 32. (El 31 llega más cerca.)
Gary Smith Lawson Jun 19, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Inexpensive Don't worry, not expensive despite appearances
(things have changed at the port since losing the
America's Cup and the recession). ;.) And free
entry, though if there are a lot of us I'll
Gary Smith Lawson May 29, 2011 international conferences Rome Conference Sightseeing: Friday Morning til Powow time Hi all! Piazza del Panteon 3pm? Hi all! I've just seen this...doh! I'm already
in Rome too, but not at the congress hotel.
"Piazza del Panteón" doesn't appear on any of my
maps but I presume it's next to the Pantheon
Gary Smith Lawson May 20, 2011 international conferences Rome Conference 2011: car-pooling and taxi sharing Visit to Ostia Antica [quote]Inga Michaeli wrote: Hi, i'll arrive at
the conference hotel Friday morning and would love
to go sightseeing in Ostia Antica from around noon
I guess, if anyone would like to joi
Gary Smith Lawson May 18, 2011 international conferences Rome conference 2011: travel public transport & powow Friday This link is great for planning routes (and the
tourist maps on the conference page are
good): Does
anyone want to share a taxi to the Powow on
Gary Smith Lawson May 18, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: What's the maximum payment deadline you would accept? Nobody > 90 days? So far (126 votes) nobody has said they would
accept >90 days for payment (yet undoubtedly this
sometimes happens). I myself have stopped working
with consistent late payers. What do you t
Gary Smith Lawson May 9, 2011
Translation news OMG, when did we start talking like txt msgs? Read ASAP Of course some acronyms have become part of the
spoken language, but surely most of them have to
be easily pronounecable? Still very interesting.
Incidentally, I have a friend whose name i
Gary Smith Lawson Feb 9, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Hats off to Gary :) Now there's a thought, paella... Thanks to
everybody for your kind words and for coming;
without you it obviously wouldn't be possible!

[Edited at 2011-02-09 12:05 GMT] Eso
Gary Smith Lawson Feb 9, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain To eat or not to eat Hay comida si alguien quiere, pero la idea no es
una cena sino una copa y vernos. Food is
available, but the idea is to have a drink and
meet up, not to have dinner.
Gary Smith Lawson Feb 7, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Lugar y hora / Place and time C/ Salamanca 10, a partir de las 19:00h, lunes 7
de febrero.
Gary Smith Lawson Feb 2, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain ¿Comida? Food? Let me know if you're interested in eating there
too. It's not exactly vegan, but they can do
typical North American food and snacks. I just
need to know so they keep the kitchen open on a
Gary Smith Lawson Jan 24, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Update Hi. So far 2 translators can't make it on 7th. Any
more? We can always repeat on 21st anyhow if we
like ;.) Kids are allowed at the Portland says
the owner, and if the weather's nice ther
Gary Smith Lawson Jan 21, 2011
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain ¡A vernos el pelo! / Todos bienvenidos/ Everybody's welcome / Ihr seid alle herzlich willkommen / Hola a tod@s. Por fin tenemos fecha. En principio
será el lunes, 7 de febrero (aunque dejamos
abierta la posibilidad de que sea el día 21). El
14 no puede ser porque no nos queremos tant
Gary Smith Lawson Jan 19, 2011
Poll Discussion Poll: How many fingers do you use to type? learning to type raises your income During a lull in work a few years ago I learned to
type in a few hours with a free online course
(there are lots). This increased my output by
about 30%, and hence my income too. :.) Use
Gary Smith Lawson Jan 12, 2011
Off topic Cat-sitting in Madrid Lovely siamese seeks home. I have a very pretty siamese (and friendly for
this breed) that I've been looking after for a
friend for a year (she became allergic to cats)
who still needs a home. He's about 3 or 4 year
Gary Smith Lawson Jan 6, 2011 suggestions standardize blue board comments Not just payment criteria. I like the idea of being able to give a clearer
idea of the outsourcer's general competence.
Have you noticed that the only criterion used
for deciding which outsourcers/agencies are
Gary Smith Lawson Dec 8, 2010 international conferences Prague conference 2010: Photos thread cold and tired I look soooo tired! But it was fun. ;.) Gary Smith Lawson Nov 3, 2010
Translation Article Knowledgebase Article: Translation and the Art of Motorcycle Maintenance translations not understood A good point about "not translating a text you do
not understand", Ali. In my experience there are
many translators who do just that, yet surely this
defeats the whole point of translation
Gary Smith Lawson Aug 31, 2010
Translator resources OMG, I don’t C a chat glossary wow [quote]mediamatrix
[/quote] Wow - but do people actually know/use
all those...? I wouldn't have a clue. It seems
like David crystal or teena
Gary Smith Lawson Aug 18, 2010
Translator resources OMG, I don’t C a chat glossary OMG, I don’t C a chat glossary After a recent
search of the web and Proz for a glossary of cell
phone / chat abbreviations, I have come to the
conclusion that there has been very litt
Gary Smith Lawson Aug 16, 2010
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain Attendance Si no te he podido saludar y estabas, dímelo
aunque seas de la Xarxa o no, y te pongo en la
lista como es debido (no sé si Proz da puntos por
ello...). ;.)
Gary Smith Lawson Apr 24, 2010
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain puntualidad para pillar mesas. Vaya qué rápidos sois :.) Se ve que hay ganas de
salir de la oficina. Recordaros que una
librería/bar un viernes día del libro
probablemente se va a poner a tope, así que se
Gary Smith Lawson Apr 20, 2010
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain La Red de Traductores e Intérpretes de la Comunidad Valenciana Evento organizado por:
Gary Smith Lawson Apr 20, 2010
Powwows Powwow: Valencia - Spain XARXA Cerveza del día del libro La XARXA os invita a acudir a la Cerveza del Día
del Libro de la Xarxa, y a traer a los amigos
traductores e intérpretes que queráis.
***Viernes 23 de abril a partir de las 19.30
Gary Smith Lawson Apr 20, 2010
Translation Article Knowledgebase Article: Ojo con las máquinas tradittoras cobrar por hora Buenos ejemplos, Aurora. ;.) Una manera para
evitar abusos es cobrar por hora para correcciones
de textos. Pronto los clientes entienden que les
sale más barato dejarte traducirlo, ya q
Gary Smith Lawson Jan 29, 2010
Translation Article Knowledgebase Article: Word crunching 3 weak links Quite right, Joao. The software necessary for this
exists but is still fallible (and may always be so
- we hope ;..)) Firstly, voice-to-text (like
Dragon Naturally Speaking), then the usua
Gary Smith Lawson Jan 23, 2010
Italian Richiesta di "donazione" o puro sciacallaggio? Thanks Gabriele! [quote]Gabriele Garibaldi wrote: Ho segnalato a
[email protected] la stessa richiesta di donazione
ricevuta oggi 14 gennaio 2010 da "Haiti Aid",
[email protected]. Mi hanno confer
Gary Smith Lawson Jan 15, 2010
Poll Discussion Poll: You get a translation you don't like, you: surprising results I'm very surprised by the amount of people who
said "finish it quickly". Do we have a choice in
how fast it gets finished if we want to do a good
job? I suppose it depends on what we mean
Gary Smith Lawson Nov 29, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Campaign against bad language Another good idea, Tomás. Now there's an idea. A blog to log times people
have wasted in queues over the appointed time. It
could be done according to government department
(health, tax, education, etc.). I've ofte
Gary Smith Lawson Nov 26, 2009
Lighter side of trans/interp Campaign against bad language Still waiting Nearly 3 months on and I'm still waiting for a
reply from Alboraya's OMIC (Consumer Information
Office)...and the offending notices are still up
for all to see and tourists to chuckle at.
Gary Smith Lawson Nov 24, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Barcelona - Spain Late but fun A last-minute Powow but nice atmosphere and good
food. 7 of us made it, including Yvonne
Altamirano, soon to join Proz (about time too with
her experience!), and Gemma's brother (whose
Gary Smith Lawson Oct 20, 2009
Powwows Powwow: Barcelona - Spain Time Let's say 8.00 pm. (We have to get up a little
early the next day. ;.)
Gary Smith Lawson Oct 14, 2009
Hardware Vertical screen back to horizontal then... Interesting comments from those with experience of
vertical screens. It looks like the manufacturers
know what they're doing after all...
Gary Smith Lawson Oct 14, 2009

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