Člen od Apr '04

Pracovné jazyky:
nemčina -> maïarčina
nemčina -> ruština
francúzština -> slovenčina
angličtina -> slovenčina
nemčina -> slovenčina

Your trusted partner for CEE languages

Miestny čas: 09:22 CET (GMT+1)

Rodné jazyky: poľština Native in poľština, francúzština Native in francúzština
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Feedback from
clients and colleagues

on Willingness to Work Again info
14 positive reviews
1 rating (5.00 avg. rating)
Typ účtu Profesionálny prekladateľ na voľnej nohe a agentúra / spoločnosť, Identity Verified Overený člen
Data security Created by Evelio Clavel-Rosales This person has a SecurePRO™ card. View now.
This person is affiliated with:
Blue Board affiliation:
Služby Translation, Interpreting, Editing/proofreading, Website localization, Software localization, Transcription, Desktop publishing, Project management, Vendor management, Operations management
Odborné znalosti
Špecializuje sa na:
úètovníctvoautomatizácia & robotika
automobilový priemysel / vozidlá & nákladné vozidlápodnikanie/obchod (všeobecne)
certifikáty, diplomy, licencie, životopisypoèítaèe (všeobecne)
poèítaèe: hardvérpoèítaèe: softvér
financie (všeobecne)doprava / preprava / expedícia


Aktivita KudoZ (PRO) Body na úrovni PRO: 359, Zodpovedané otázky: 139, Položené otázky: 4
Payment methods accepted Visa, MasterCard, PayPal, Skrill, Wire transfer
Company size 10-25 employees
Year established 1997
Currencies accepted Euro (eur), U. S. dollars (usd)
Glosáre sopoltrad
This company Hosts interns
Subcontracts work for other language companies
Skúsenosti Prax v rokoch: 25. Registrácia na ProZ.com: Oct 2001. Členom od: Apr 2004.
ProZ.com Certified PRO certificate(s) N/A
Doklady o kvalifikácii francúzština -> poľština (Polish courts)
portugalčina -> poľština (Polish courts)
flámčina -> poľština (Polish courts)
taliančina -> poľština (Polish courts)
nemčina -> poľština (Polish courts)

Členstvá N/A
Softvér Adobe Acrobat, Adobe Illustrator, DejaVu, FrameMaker, Indesign, memoQ, Microsoft Excel, Microsoft Word, Pagemaker, Passolo, Powerpoint, QuarkXPress, SDLX, Smartling, STAR Transit, Trados Studio, Translation Workspace, Wordfast, XTM, XTRF Translation Management System
Webová stránka http://www.sopoltrad.com

most trusted partner for Central and Eastern European languages.”

For 25
years, Sopoltrad has been offering top-quality translation and desktop
publishing (DTP) services to clients worldwide from our headquarters in Krakow,
Poland. We primarily focus on European languages and have local language
experts across the continent. Our goal is to provide clients with top-notch

offers its clients a seamless experience by providing a single point of contact
for all your translation needs. Our all-in-one service can handle every aspect
of your translation project, from file preparation to the final verification
stage. As a multilingual agency, we ensure your content is adapted to your
target audience's language and culture. At the same time, internationalization
helps to make your content more accessible to a global audience.

choose us?

- 25 years
of experience

- 3 ISO
certificates → ISO 9001, ISO 17100 and ISO 18587;

- Over 1000
linguists in 36 countries

- 12
amazing in-house specialists in our PM, Proofreading, DTP and VM teams


translate into:

Czech, Slovak, Slovenian,

Romanian, Bulgarian,

Lithuanian, Latvian,

Russian, Serbian,

Bosnian, Albanian,

Macedonian, Montenegrin


DTP and
file conversion:

InDesign, Illustrator, PageMaker, FrameMaker, Corel Draw, Microsoft Publisher,
QuarkXpress, AutoCAD, MS Word, MS Excel, MS PowerPoint, Aabby Finereader,
Winalign, Trados Studio, DejaVu, SDLX...


Vendors: www.sopoltrad.com/vendors

+48 12 426 52 00 (5 lines)
8 AM - 7 PM CET
[email protected]

Kľúčové slová: Polish polonais Pologne traduction translation proofreading

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Nov 8, 2024